
What is your favorite thing about gardening?

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I like waking up and picking fresh strawberries and/or blueberries for breakfast...

but of course i enjoy growing, then picking, then consuming all of my own produce. but the breakfast is my favorite.




  1. As all gardeners know, there are basics that have to be done to have success in the garden, and then things which are a matter of choice.

    Once all that is decided, then comes the best part about gardening (in my humble opinion) and this is : observation. There is so much we can learn about life and people and interaction, and this ranges from practical to mystical. So in just observing how the whole garden scene works, that I decided to write a book about it!

  2. Harvesting is my favorite, but I also like planting in the garden in the spring.

    I could live without the weeding though.

  3. You sound like my kind of people!

    OK, I admit I do not like to weed, but that is perhaps because I have had trouble with my lower back for years!

    I think the greatest thing is knowing that there is an unbelievable bounty of "poison free" food to be had.  You know how it was planted, you know what you put on it, or fed it, you know you have not sprayed it . . . . and you feel peace eating it!

    When you consider the peace gardening brings, and the rewards, I think of it as a way of life.

    Right now it is Blackberry and Plum time here!  The wild Strawberries are always in bloom.

    Not to mention all the tomatoes, and other "Fruit Veges" one has.

    Don't get me wrong, I link "green things" too!

  4. i agree, but nothing is better when u can make a full course meal out of things you picked from your garden. mushrooms, figs, avacados etc.

  5. I love the look of a successful garden.  The lush plants that have grown over the bare soil.  Robust, healthy leaves.  I'm the one you see looking out the windows all the time, just admiring my garden.

  6. I like being by myself, working up a sweat and harvesting the fruits of my labors. Coming up, I love the oohs and ahs I get on Halloween because I always have the biggest baddest pumpkin. Unfortunately because i make my backyard a wildlife sanctuary, I do not get to eat any of my blueberries, the critters get them.

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