
What is your favorite trick to get organized in a space thats too small?

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Heyo! I recently moved from my own apt back in with my parents for a bit. Problem is, that now instead of a whole apartment to house my stuff, I've got one room. So whats your favorite trick to get organized when you've got too much stuff in too little space?




  1. get things you don't use as often and put them away or have a garage sale.. you can save the money you earn and buy new things when you get another place of your own.. Good Luck

  2. Get a Dumpster and start filling it. 7/30

  3. Make sure to make optimal use of your closet.  There are many ways to organize a closet to fit more stuff.  Try   Also go through your stuff and whatever you haven't used in the past 6 months, you don't need.  have a yard sale, or donate it to charity.  You could also buy bed risers from wal-mart to lift your bed up.  Use this extra space under your bed to put some totes and baskets to put items in.

  4. When you cant spread out with your stuff go up.... get  some bookcase shelving system with baskets to fit in there.. thats one idea

  5. Get creative and make it fun or it will just become ridiculously overwhelming.  Get yourself a good old tape measure so you will no what will fit where.  If you bed isn't off the floor get it off the floor so that you can get under the bed storage for starters.  There are closet organizers that hang from the rod...even ones with drawers.  If you have your own bathroom there are storage shower curtains.  Decorative baskets...especially ones with lids!  Of course get rid of whatever you don't need and if the $ allows it, look for a small storage unit.  Choose things you need to have in your room, not things you want in your room.

  6. shelves, garage, or just move back out.

  7. My tick is to throw away unneeded stuff.

    If its something valuable- archive it.

    But keep in mind after you are gone its not going to be of value to anyone, so will be trashed anyways :-(((....

  8. I'm kind of in this situation. Between jobs, don't know where to go because I will live where my new job takes me, and I am in the guest room with friends.

    First, if you haven't already done so...DECLUTTER your stuff, and pare down. The goal doesn't have to be that everything you own fits your current space, but DO get rid of anything that you know won't be a longterm part of your life.

    If you can afford it, I would put excess that is reasonable to keep in an apartment, but doesn't fit in your bedroom, into storage (maybe in the house, the garage, or public storage.)

    Most of your furniture and electronics can go into storage, all your collectibles and memorabilia, your decorations, your cleaning tools, holiday items, out of season clothing, your dead paper files (such as old tax returns), most of your linens, all your kitchen tools and dishes. ALL these can be stored.

    Put together survivalist sized collections of clothing, books, media, craft projects, etc. keeping in mind that your stay here is temporary and you probably have better things to do than engaging your hobbies at this point, such as planning your next move, helping your parents take care of the house, maybe checking in on old friends, etc.

    Your consumables can be added to the family supply. (Food, toiletries, cleaning supplies) This is a nice gesture on your part, kind of a way to pitch in with whatever you well as getting these items out of your room. When you leave, don't take that stuff with you, just start fresh.

    To make do without furniture pieces you don't have in your bedroom, get Rough Totes (or other containers) to organize the stuff you are still using. Mail and paperwork...books, music,, etc. When you get to the new apartment, these can be repurposed for out of season clothes, holidays, memorabilia, etc.

    SHORT STORY...My fav way to live in a small place is to GET RID of THINGS that clutter the place up. It may not be forever, but at least get them out of circulation and out of your way.

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