
What is your favorite type of book? ?

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I have nothing better to do, so i'm writing a book. What type of stores do you like to read?




  1. First and foremost, it has to have the base of a love-story.

    I'm a sap, what can I say?

    But then again, I won't read a love story unless it has gobs of action, and a little bit of fantasy every now and then doesn't hurt.

    Or, here's a better example, ever seen Hellboy?

    Pretend that movie is a book.

    & that's what I read.

  2. fantasy books. Longer books because it is sad when I finish a really good books.

  3. fantasy is definitely my fave. the kind that have mythical creatures n stuff

  4. i like to read mysteries ,fiction ,fantasy and romance ;]

    good luck writing your book

    xx ;]

  5. I love to read romance stories with a little twist in them, like adventure, or some action. Like the "Twilight" Series. But I also like Romance with a lot of problems and in the end its perfect! Like the Book "The Host", that was really good. I really like crime and mysteries. That way the reader always has questions and doesn't want to stop reading. Like Nancy Drew, but a ton better! I hope I helped you out!

  6. I like twisted, macabre stories with strange or unexpected endings that have a bit of violence in them. Yes, I'm weird. I love things like Frankenstein (the book, not the movie), Sweeney Todd, Wuthering Heights, LOTR, etc. I usually don't like "happy endings".

    Genre wise, I prefer historical fiction, fantasy, and classics.  

  7. Alanna- fiction

    Rob- science fiction

    Phil- Self Help

    Alexis- Drama


  8. mysterious fantasy. with things like ghosts. it seems like most people enjoy fiction

  9. i like to read books where u enter someones mine like for example a serial killer!! (= those books are always interesting espiecially when its based on a real storyy

  10. Science fiction, thriller, fantasy, historical fiction.  Pretty much anything as long as it isn't non-fiction.

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