
What is your favorite vegan/vegitarian meal?

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for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. : )




  1. Well favorite vegetarian breakfast meal would be: banana yogurt, and some fruit salad. I don't like to eat breakfast because it's to early for me.

    lunch: vegetarian chili and rice with a side or grilled corn

    dinner: some stuffed mushrooms, garlic bread, steamed calliflower and brocili and depending on my stomach maybe some rice and then I cut up C. and B. and put it in there. VERY YUMMY!!!

  2. go to they have a whole bunch of recipes good luck

  3. Breakfast- Kashi Cereal with extra protein, or an Odwalla Shake with extra protein

    Lunch- PB&J (2 tablespoons of peanut butter)

    Dinner- Vegetarian Chicken Nuggets from Trader Joe's with Pesto Noodles


  4. Breakfast-fruit salad

    Lunch-veggie "the works" fries@ New York Fries

    Dinner-deep-fried tofu and black bean sauce @ the local Chinese restaurant!  MMMM!!  And I'm not even vegetarian!  :)

  5. Indian soups!!!

  6. Whole Foods vegan chocolate oatmeal chunk cookies don't count as a meal, do they? :'(

    I don't usually eat breakfast (a cup of coffee is good enough for me), but if I'm feelin' fancy, I'll have a bagel. Sometimes even with hummus. Oh, and you can't go wrong with Cheerios.

    I hate a heavy lunch, so I usually get a salad or a wrap of some sort.

    Dinner is my favorite. I'm all about pasta, stir fry, and rice & beans combos. I usually just wing it when I'm cooking. D:

    edit: thank you, person above me, for reminding me of my love for vegan chili!! It takes all day to make, but it's worth it. nom nom nom.

  7. Oh my gosh! Vegan chili is SO EASY! It's absurd. Just make your favorite chili without meat.

    I don't even use a recipe. I generally do something like this:

    Heat some soy sauce and olive oil in a big pot.

    Toss in some chopped onions, garlic, and diced chilis. Stir. Toss in some bell peppers.

    Put in any spices that I want.

    Add canned beans. (Add fake meat here if you want it.)

    Pour in a few cans of chopped and/or pureed tomatoes.

    Put in some tomato paste if you want.

    It's not authentic, but it's a pretty good substitute.

    PS- This is great with lots of Tabasco sauce in it. I eat mine with diced red onions and cheddar.

  8. salad

  9. Hot oatmeal smothered with strawberries or bananas and raisins with fresh juice and coffee for breakfast.  

    Since I'm a chicken/fish vegetarian I like lots of vegetables with plenty of color, steamed if possible to keep in the nutrients and the taste with oven baked chicken or fish for lunch.

    Then for dinner I like Pene Ziti with hot marinara mushroom sauce smothered with lots of Parmigiana and Romano cheese.  Mama mia that's good.

  10. Breakfast: French toast. Not with that real maple syrup. Gimme the butter flavored Aunt Jamima stuff anyday!

    Lunch: Lettuce, tomato, Gouda cheese, and hummus spread on wheat toast.

    Dinner: Grilled portabella's, rice, and spinich.

  11. I've pretty much perfected my tofu scrambler.  Awesome over a slice of toast.

    Boca burgers still rank up there with me for lunch/dinner

    Morningstar makes awesome chicken/steak strip substitutes that can go into a simple stir fry.

    Good luck!!

  12. Breakie: All bran and mango... I think its vegetarian...

    Lunch cucumber, carrot, kidnet beans and capsicum in Italian dressing

    Dinner " spaghetti on a diet" or mexican bean wraps/tacos

  13. Hiiiii.

    Well here how my meals normally go:


    I never miss this because it gives me the energy i need for the start of the day. :), i normally have muesli, with lots of nuts, raisins, oats, wheatflaks etc with soya milk on. Sometimes i have weetabix, with bananas on top and soya milk poured over it, which is delcious! Porridge is nice to, made with soya milk and with fruit on top.


    When lunch finally arrives! I normally have one of these things: If im having a sandwich, il put banana in it, or salad with a dollop of hummus. I might have rice salad, which is made up of rice, veg, kidney beans, chick peas, etc =].


    Um... dinner =]... When im in a rush il just have something like beans on toast, but some of my favorite vegan meals to have are: Mash potato(made up with soya milk) vegan sasuages or burgers (Good vegan ones can be found in Holland and Barrett, and they're quite cheap to) and lots of vegetables with it to. Another favorite meal is vegan pasta bol. Just get a tin of tomatos, heat, add some veg, soya mice, kidney beans, cook pasta, and your done.


    Heres the recipe for you:


    (Serves 4)


    100g/4oz mushrooms, sliced

    1½tsp Marigold vegetable bouillon powder or a crumbled vegetarian stock   cube

    30ml/2tbsp water

    1 pkt/100g Hera vegetable chilli mix or other chilli flavoured soya protein   mince (rehydrated)

    500ml / 18floz hot water

    1 x 400g / 14oz tin chopped tomatoes

    1 x 400g / 14oz tin red kidney beans, drained and washed


    1. Put the mushrooms, bouillon and water into a pan.

    2. Cook for about 5 minutes until the mushrooms hove softened.

    3. Remove the pan from the heat and add the chilli mix and hot water, mix together well.

    4. Add the tinned tomatoes, mix and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    5. Add the red kidney beans and cook for a further 5 minutes.


    Serve on a bed of rice, topped with a spoonful of soured cream or plain yoghurt and garnished with lemon wedges.

    More here -

    Hope this helps!

  14. breakfast: i eat soy yogurt daily now (i love it!) and i usually eat something else with it....fruit, granola, etc.  but my FAVORITE is french toast with a rasperry almond sauce that my husband and i make together =)

    lunch: a big salad....nothing beats a good salad and lots of water sometimes.  

    dinner: coconut curry stir fry w/ veggies and tofu =)

    oh, but veggie chili is high on the list, too!!

    Kirbyish: no problem =) veggie chili is the best!!  ours is vegan too, even though i'm a vegetarian and my husband is an omni.  too bad it's too hot for chili right now =(

    i don't have a lot of time to cook, so we just use a mix for our chili that comes in a powder form at the grocery's just a blend of spices and such.  then we add cans of kidney beans, chopped peppers and onions, and canned diced tomatoes (sometimes tomato sauce, too) until we get it as thick as we want it.  you could even add some of the faux ground beef crumbles if you want it to seem more like actual chili.  a lot of the store mixes are vegan or vegetarian, just take a look at the ingredients.  we make ours really thick and then scoop it with tortilla chips...yum =)

    EDIT:  in case you want a vegan chili fix without having to go through all the prep work, i just ate amy's organic spicy chili for lunch and it was DELICIOUS.  it was next to the other canned chilis in my store, and it's amy's so of course it's a little pricey but really good.  it's vegan, too =)

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