
What is your favorite way to eat a cockroach?

by Guest63418  |  earlier

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  1. Hidden in a sandwitch  with mustard

  2. on fear factor for 50,000 dollars

  3. I don't really wanna try them. I can't say I don't like them, I've never had them, but from where they could have been I don't wanna try them.  

  4. Yucks..

    dip in the wine

  5. None;

    though those of different species in the wild might be eaten.

  6. First, trap that little buddy alive, if possible. Now place it on its back in a smoking apparatus ( i prefer an old fashioned corn cob pipe myself) and cook it up with a bit of flame - just enough to make its exoskeleton crispy and a bit ashy. This will also singe off its legs and antennae. Remove it from the apparatus. Impale through its center with a toothpick. Again, this is just my preference, but i like to start with the sack its carrying. Bite and slurp like a little mayo filled burnt marshmallow. Mmmm. Now spin it around and chew off that sucker's head ( in my building the heads always seem to taste of Raid, but what are you gonna do?). What's left now is the entree du jour. Use your tongue and poke the remaining goo through its body like a little kid with a Go-gurt. Spread on a cracker, Slim Jim, or h**l, even your finger. Like nectar made mustard - Yum!!!

  7. I stamp on them babe! lol

  8. Buried in my chocolate bar.

    Apparently an average chocolate bar will have at least 6 cockroach or other kind of bug's legs in them.


  9. I like to smash them up real fine and then snort them up my nose.

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