
What is your favorite way to eat a potato?

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I love: chips, oven fries, and twice baked potatoes.




  1. boiled and then tossed in olive oil and roesmary

  2. White potatoes - hash browns.

    Sweet potatoes - any way, shape or form! I LOVE THEM!

  3. I like to scrub my spud, pierce with a knife and cook in the micro--so a microwave "baked" potato--and then served with lots of Earth Balance margarine and Herbamare seasoning.

    But I will eat them mashed, roasted, fries--I love potatoes.  My fave fries are from a local falafel joint--twice fried.  Yeah, they're bad for you, but oh, so goooood.

  4. as chips or mashed  or baked oh ok i like potatoes no matter how they are cooked, they really are the best!!

  5. Baked with butter, salt & pepper running through it, or roast potatoes, where they are done so good, they almost taste sweet. Or lemon potatoes, a regular Greek sidedish, with oregano, very nice.

  6. baked

  7. Mmmm, Kettle brand Salt and Vinegar potato chips...

  8. i actually hate them a lot since they are very starchy,but once in a while my mum cuts them into small bite size sticks and bake them with red pepper paste Or mash them and mix a little of them with other veggies to make filling for spring rolls..

  9. twice baked, scoop out baked halves and mash to perfection then put back in and rebake or broil with cheese on top!

  10. Cut like french fries (chips), brushed with olive oil, crushed garlic and parmesan cheese and then oven baked. YUM!!!

    The Muse

  11. Potato chips, chops and finger chips

  12. Baked and loaded with butter and cheese, right next to a hot rare steak!

  13. roasted, with rosemary, parsley, sage, and freshly ground pepper

  14. Baked with cheese inside!!

  15. roast patoes my dad does them lovely

  16. parsley potatoes with butter,salt and pepper to taste

  17. I love potatoes!

    *Roasted with other veg

    *Mashed, with margarine or mushroom gravy

    *Chips, of course

    *Potato salad

    *Homemade french fries

    *Cubed and fried with spices and herbs



    *Jacket potatoes/twice baked

  18. French Fries or hash browns.

  19. Baked with sour cream, butter, cheese, and bacon bits. Yumm!!!

  20. mashed =]]


  21. Fried, as in french fries or hashbrowns.  But probably most often eat them baked.

  22. french fries!!

    but seriously, i'm non-discriminatory when it comes to potatoes....baked, twice baked, fried, mashed, au long as it's going in my mouth i really don't care!!

  23. baked and covered with cheese, black beans, and salsa

  24. fried, baked with butter and salt,mashed with butter and plenty of salt,roasted with herbs,

  25. French fries and tater tots are pretty high on the list

    also in curries (or as my Indian friend makes "alu badji")

    Mashed potatoes with gravy....

    those are my fav ways

    not crazy about baked potatoes, but they're nice with the right toppings...

  26. french fries, hash browns, home fries, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes. i love them all!

  27. Potato au gratin.

    with garlic, cream (and bacon)

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