
What is your favoriye pet ? and why?

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What is your favoriye pet ? and why?




  1. My pet dog.

    He is very spiritual and cute.

  2. Dogs are my favorite pet becasue they are loyal, understanding.

  3. Dogs

    1. They are loyal

    2. They love spending time with you

    3. They know when you're having a bad day and they try to make you feel better (at least mine does)

  4. mine is a dog

    mine are loving, sweet, chear me up, and some dogs can tell if u have cancer or not (no lie) they are also smart.

  5. rats!

    they are fun






    a pet you can plop on your shoulder and take anywere...




  6. My dog.

    He is very loving.

  7. 1. Dogs make terrific companions. They seem to sense when a master is feeling low, and they will eagerly stick a cold nose into your hand or l**k your face. Dogs lie faithfully at your feet and rarely talk back, except when trained to do so. A canine pal will go anywhere that you do without complaining. He will still love you when you forget to fill the feed bowl, fail to pat his head, or fume over a doggy mess. Few friends are as loyal and dedicated as man's best friend.

    2. Dogs are great protectors. Take a walk in the park with your dog and watch what happens if another person or animal threatens you, even playfully. Your dog may well be in the attacker's face, fangs bared, in a courageous act of self-sacrifice to protect you. Dogs also make great night-time barkers to scare away burglars. Statistics show that homeowners with dogs as pets, whether housed indoors or outdoors, experience fewer burglary attempts than those without dogs or other security systems. Dogs are protective of their domain and their masters, so you will be in good paws.

    3. Dogs can be great with kids. Check the breed before purchasing a pet that will be playing with the children. Some breeds are better than others with kids. But even gentle breeds that have been exposed to abuse or neglect in the past may have a bad side that could lead them to snap at your little ones, or worse. If your pet bonds with the children, they will enjoy a loving friend and a constant guardian. Plus, lacking other playmates, your dog will keep them busy throwing sticks or Frisbees as well as playing tag.

    4. Dog's aren't terribly expensive, on average. Unless you buy a pedigree or your dog experiences unusual health problems, you may not have to spend a fortune to keep him healthy and safe. Dog food is inexpensive, and a pet bed for sleeping can cost less than twenty dollars. Periodic veterinarian visits, feeding dishes, a collar, and a leash as well as a license may be all that's needed to care for your pet. One potentially costly item is an electronic security fence to keep your dog at home. But you may not need one if you have a fenced-in yard, a dog house for hooking him up during the day, or keep him mostly indoors, going out only for walks with the master.

    5. Dogs do not require tons of care. A daily pat on the head may be enough to throw your pet into paroxysms of delight. A simple game of "toss the ball" can earn his undying fidelity. A bath, a walk, and a tasty treat can earn you the loyalty and protection of an animal that loves you more than anyone else in the world

  8. DOGS

    1. They are sweet loyal cuddly & cute

    2. they are always there for you when people aren't

    3.They welcome you home when you enter the door with a wagging tail and a toy in their mouth(well mine does)

    4.They're playful

    5.Good with kids

    6.Warm in the winter time when the heater isn't working

    7.Can sense when you're sad

    8.Will be there until the end

    9.Won't ever judge you

    10.Protect you when others won't

    11.Guard your home and you from others

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