
What is your favourite Dean Koontz book?

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What is your favourite Dean Koontz book?




  1. The Dean Koontz books I've read, most to least favorite:

    The Bad Place.

    Odd Thomas.


    The Servants of Twilight.

    The Funhouse.

    Brother Odd.

    Forever Odd.


    I like them all, though.  Dean Koontz is an excellent author!

  2. Just started Odd Thomas and have the next one in the series too.

  3. Many years ago i read a Dean Koontz book that had a dog in it that conversed with it's owner...I wish i could remember what it was called...

    Can someone out there tell me what it is?

    I love his books.

  4. I think I would have to say that Odd Thomas is my favorite, though there are many Koontz books that I enjoy.  

  5. i just began reading my first Koontz book, Velocity, and i think its great! I didn't think i'd be into his style of writing, but its very versatile.  

  6. The first of his that I ever read was 'Watchers'

    It remains my favourite Koontz book

  7. I like a lot of Dean Koontz. His earlier work is much better than the more modern stuff though. Midnight etc were good.

  8. life expectancy

    sooo funny

  9. Velocity.

    It was the first book I read. From him, of course, not just the first book I read since I learnt to read. That would be weird.

  10. I prefer his early writing like Watchers and Phantoms.  His writing as Leigh Nicholls is very enjoyable as well.

  11. I've only read Velocity, but I really liked it.

  12. My favorite is Dragon Tears with Life expectancy in a close second.

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