
What is your favourite Friends <span title="episodes......................?">episodes....................</span>

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That epsiode where Monica & Rachel lose the apt is episode 85 The One with the Embryos




  1. Phoebe giving birth...and the one with Joey&#039;s grandma( he had her over to watch him on law and order, only to find they cut his part out)...a real good show!

  2. where ross and rachel first kiss in central perk ... where they fight and he storms out and then comes back and they make out... this scene ALWAYS gives me chills and sometimes teary-eyed

  3. My favorite friends episode is the one where Chandler wants to propose Monica but instead she surprises him by proposing him first.

  4. That one is good, but 2 all time favorites are, The One When Everyone Finds Out (about Monica and Chandler.) The other best one is the one where Ross is giving some sort of speech, and no one will get dressed and Joey puts on all of Chandlers clothes, &quot;Could I BE wearing anymore clothes?&quot;

  5. lol.  all of them, minus the clip show one with a hint of a plot.  that one was lime minus a million points for writers guild.  

    I love &quot;The One Without the Ski Trip&quot; mostly because Ross is my least fav character;  I&#039;m such a Chandler.  The only problem with that episode is Chandler starts smoking again, and I take it as a failing for both of us because I pathetically put myself in Chandler&#039;s place because I have no friends of my own.  Who needs friends when you have Friends?!?  

    plus 1000 points for a &quot;Friends&quot; question.  you&#039;re my hero of the evening.    

  6. Well if you wanna watch tv shows online just go to you can watch all 10 seasons there and also check out  and Have fun  

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