
What is your favourite Van Morrison song?

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What is your favourite Van Morrison song?




  1. brown eyed girl of course =)

  2. anything van the man does is great... Moondance,. Have i told you lately.... Someone like you...Whats wrong with this picture.. Back on top.... all wonderful.. Love the man...

  3. >333 Tad condescending there.

    I've been A Van fan for 30 years and still think Brown Eyed Girl is his best.No one could do that song justice the way Van the Man does.

  4. Aww I really like them all but I would probably choose Days like This or Have I told You Lately (I'm an old romantic you see!) x*x

  5. ah brown eyed girl love that song, gonna youtube it now x

  6. Brown Eyed Girl, definately.

  7. His version of tell my ma

    I find it funny how so many people are saying brown eyed's probably the only song they know lol

  8. Brown Eyed Girl

  9. Oh my goodness - hands down, "Into The Mystic" - only one of the best songs EVER!

    Runners up:

    Someone Like You


    Brown Eyed Girl

    Crazy Love

  10. i love Brown Eyed Girl

  11. ooh, i love all his early stuff with Them. Fantastic :)

    Call my name and It won't hurt (half as much) i listen to over and over again.

    Thing is, in the sixties everyone did everyone else's songs so i dont know whether Them (Van) wrote them or someone else did- i'm not from that era!

  12. brown eyed girl


    days like these

    whenever god shines his light

  13. Moondance.

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