
What is your favourite color? why you like that color?

by Guest62246  |  earlier

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once i was go for interview and interviewer ask me this question i was confused about the answer plz any one suggest me what will be the best answer




  1. I like black because the black apparels suit me the most.....

  2. Well, colors are said to show your personality

    Black is dark

    White is good

    Blue is calm

    Red is aggressive

    Green is outdoors

    But these are opinions and are probably not true. My favorite color is yellow and I like because I like the way it looks and it's not the same boring colors a guy usually likes, like red or blue. Simple as that

    I say just pick your favorite color, don't try to make the question seem like it has more meaning than it seems.

  3. Blue.

    Functional, versatile and does not show spots and stains (Sorry-- I'm a slob ok? lol)

  4. i cant suggest u the best answer but i can answer mine...

    my best color is blue b'coz whenever i see a blue colored thing it soothes my eyez....

  5. Green, because that associates most with nature

  6. Express colors easily


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