
What is your favourite colour ? Does it match with your personality ?

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Mine is Blue, and it definitely matches with my personality. i love swimming and water gives me immense peace and tranquility. it calms my mind and makes me think clearly. it is for that reason that i keep a fish acquarium at home. also, i am a March born, a Piscean... which draws me to water yet again!!!




  1. libra.i like green and yellow.i m not sure what a green personality would be,but i am usually energetic and cheerful,like yellow.

  2. green, like a brown green, but more green :)

    im a cancer and im not sure if it relates to my personality. Im not a jealous person though, im very peaceful?

  3. grey.. im a leo

  4. blues my fave. ditto on my love of water. however im a leo and a fire sign.

  5. my fav is red, and im a leo i think its perfect red is associated with fighting and s*x

  6. Mines blue, though its the total opposite of my personality. I'm a worrier and am never calm. Which is pretty good since blue is a calming and cooling colour, maybe that's why i like it.

  7. Plum = mix of red and purple

    SAG , and it is sag colors

  8. mine is purple and yes it matches this true GEMINI perfectly. Hey maybe thats why Prince wears so much purple. Us gemini's love beautiful things and purple is just pretty to the eyes. You are right I had a friend in the 7th grade who was a March born. When she came on her period she would bleed thru her clothes and always smell like fish. When I found out the fish was her sign I was like oh maybe that has something to do with it.LOL

  9. Black..

    Yes it matches cause my personality is on the dark side. ;)

  10. I like all colours so i cant say what one suits my personality.  they say red for a bad tempered person well i am not bad tempered, so that is wrong.i am a cancerian loves water that is also wrong i am scared of water.

  11. my favorite color is azure blue.. ocean blue.. omg it freaks me out when i see that color.. i get so excited..


  12. mines green

    but thers nuthing green about me :(

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