
What is your favourite day of the week and why?

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what is your favourite day and why? maybe its tuesday because your weekly magazine comes out! or what ever your reason is?




  1. Friday because thats the end of the week =]

  2. monday

    1st it's a day God made..

    2nd it only comes once a week..

    3rd & most important ya can't have a weekend without it...

  3. wednesday, I don't really know why I just like it lool.

  4. Any weekday is fine for Me, everywhere is too crowded at weekends.

  5. Monday,as it's a new week,a fresh start.l love going to the cinema on my own as it's cheap day at the movies on mondays, and it's great walking back late at night through the leafy silent Hampstead streets and then diving under the duvet with the midnight news on

  6. Thursday-PAYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. friday, weekend ahead

  8. I naturally like tuesday because its a day after monday!

    And i like fridays because after friday come saturday =D=D

  9. Usually Saturday because it's usually the last day of the working week for me as I'm a Postman.

    Plus me and my girlfriend always treat ourselfs to a chinese!

  10. Work wise - I used to like Fridays, obviously end of week etc.

    But Wednesdays I hated.. they were neither one thing or the other, just stuck slap bang right there in the middle.

    Pay days at the end of the month was fantastic, although by the next day, after I had paid out the 'sweet williams' (bills) I was always 'skint'.

    My advice is to enjoy every minute of every day...and try to cram as much in as possible, you never know when it'll end

    Caramac x

  11. my favourite day is friday as its the end of the week and i have the weekend to look forward to.

  12. i luv frieday because its tha time to luuk foward to tha weekend!!!

  13. Saturday because I can do whatever I want and still have another day off to look forward to.

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