
What is your favourite eye-colour?

by  |  earlier

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the one you wish you had

the one you got

what you prefer on the opposite gender

(best answer is the one that has all details above, so please include, i'm interested in what you think!)




  1. I have got grey-bluish eyes, I love them ;]

    I love green eyes too. Wish I had them.

    I love brown eyes on the opposite s*x.

    But what does it matter, it's just eye colour lol.

  2. 1. Dark green.

    2. Lightish orangey brown.

    3. Dark brown almost black.

    Thta was fun !!

    Hope i could help ♥

  3. The one I wish I had was maybe a blue greenish color. I think that's very pretty and you don't see it too often. My grandmother has that eye colour =)

    The one I got is green (dark green not light green). Which I am happy because I also like green eyes very much, especially since I am very fair skinned and have very dark hair.

    I actually really like green on the opposite gender as well. Especially with tanned skin and dark hair, I just think that's the perfect combo! I also really like brown eyes. I know it's simple, but it's just something about them, they're warm and they make a person seem nice =)

  4. bright blue eyes so gorge !!!

  5. i like brown eyes, they look so adorable. the next color i like would be blue/green and then hazel.

  6. blue



  7. My eyes are brown and I wouldn't want them to be any other color. Eventhough some people think brown is too plain and boring. But I like them because I could change them with contacts if I want to.

    I like guys with dark eyes too :)

  8. Bright green although mine are hazel.... boo hoo.  I would love my partner to have green eyes also x

  9. I have dark brown eyes now..i wish i had hazel..i prefer hazel in the opposite gender also..

  10. Mine are blue but I often wear coloured lenses. I usually wear brown ones because more colours go with it when it comes to make-up :\

    One of my friends has one eye brown and the other blue, they're gorgeous. I'm actually jealous of his eyes to be honest haha.

    Guys with brown or green eyes would be my favourite ;D

  11. blue-green,  but i have hazel, so its a little green. i like guys with blue eyes and black hair (cause thats what my boyfriend has, his eyes are gorgeous lol )

  12. dark sparkling brown

    for all of the above

  13. I like my eyes just how they are, but if i had to have another colour, would be brown, goes with everything :)

    i have greeny bluey with yellow around the pupil :)

    i love dark-brown on boys :)

  14. I love my big big brown eyes but I think that the greyish blue color is really pretty.

  15. brown because nething else wld look weird on me


    green or hazel

  16. i love blue eyes and brown hair.amazing and green

  17. - i wish i had bright green eyes

    - unfortunately i got brown lol

    - i prefer blue eyes and dark hair on guys, it looks wicked

  18. my bf has one gray and one green eye, its soo gorgeous;...

  19. brown and blue

  20. 1. Emerald Green

    2. Brown. one is slightly lighter than the other, or maybe it's just me that notices that

    3. Emerald green, not hazel, not jade, not kohl, EMERALD. got it?  

  21. I wish my eyes were green..

    There Hazel right now..

    And I just think green eye's are really pretty..

    And I prefer blue or green in the opposite s*x.

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