
What is your favourite fruit juice?

by Guest59873  |  earlier

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What is your favourite fruit juice?

What is the type of fruit juice you wish to see from the market?




  1. pineapple

  2. I love really cold pineapple juice.  The kind from Hawaii in the big alumunim can.  Or freshly pressed apple juice from Apple Hill in the refrigerated section.  (Not Simply Apple, blah.)  So good.

  3. I have to say cranberry, or cranberry mixed juices.

  4. mango and pina colada

  5. Watermelon juice....n i wish to see dragon fruit juice...

  6. apple or watermelon :)  

  7. grape juice

  8. i like capri sun..i dont really like just orange or just apple or just grape juice.

  9. Juicy Juice

  10. apple juice!!!!

    im seriously addicted to it.

  11. my favorite fruit juice is grapefruit juice i love it and i drink if everyday that i can, i love it for the way it helps me to lose weight.  My second choice is orange juice.

  12. Apple!

  13. My favorite juice is orange. But I wish they'd make blueberry juice!

  14. Pineapple juice


  15. Ribena, it's a concentrated grape fruit juice. Of course not as nutritious as eating fruits or drinking freshly squeezed grapes, but it is definitely healthier than coca cola drinks.

  16. Tomato juice with Worcestershire sauce.

  17. orange

  18. avocado + coconut sugar + milk

  19. Pure cherry juice. I love it!

  20. My favorite is orange juice.I wish I could see peach juice.

  21. cranberry

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