
What is your favourite helicopter and why?

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what is favourite helicopter and why? mine is the mh-60k blackhawk




  1. I'm kinda liking the Bell 47D.  First because that's what I learned to fly and have a couple hundred hours in.  Also because there are not too many aircraft out there that will give you the almost limitless view you get from the pilots seat of a bell 47.  

    My second choice would be the UH-1H.  a very uncomplicated basic instrument panel easy to maintain and fun to fly in.

  2. huey--the pickup truck of helicopters

  3. CH 53 , heavy faller

  4. UH1H Huey cuz the sucker got my back to Bien Hoa, Republic of South Vietnam every night for thirteen months. And not always with everything working.

  5. I think if I had any choice it'd be a BO-105 because of the rigid rotor system and the fact that negative G loads don't cause inconveniences such as severing the tailboom in a sudden nose over. As a fixed wing pilot transitioning to a rotorcraft, I see the BO-105 as even more important as the ingrained, reflexive reaction for fixed wing pilots is to push the nose over in a stall.

    My second choice is likely the MD/Hughes 369/500 series and especially the 520N/NOTAR versions. Eliminating the tailrotor reduces maintenance but, perhaps more importantly, greatly reduces the noise generated by the craft. You are more likely to be able to get this craft in and out of your grand estate without pissing off the neighbors. Plus there is the whole coolness factor of having no tailrotor. The downside of the MD is the complex nature of the rotorhead with all of the lead-lag hinges and the high cost of inspection and replacement.

  6. Its an antique but I still love it just like a car buff would love a '57 Chevy. Got to be the Bell 47. Just a simple, classic design. The 47 was the first helicopter I flew in. Love the sound and looks of it.

    The Huey is a classic too. I've heard it said that the last Blackhawk will be hauled to the scrapyard by a Huey.

  7. the apache longbow helicopter, cuz it's heavily armed with gattling guns to missile launchers

  8. I have a liking for the Ka-50 Blackshark. I like its coaxial rotor design, its maneuverability, speed and weaponry. It looks like the result of a helicopter that aspired to be fixed wing fighter with its sleek structure and single pilot design.

  9. W3A

    ..cause i fly it.

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