
What is your favourite horror film? (See details for 'best answer' deal!)?

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I'm finding it difficult to pick my favourite horror film, if you pick one that I decide is my favourite, I'll choose you for BEST ANSWER, if no one picks one that could be a favourite, then i'll pick the one that is very close.




  1. The Ring

  2. my favourite is dog soldiers. came out a couple of years ago. i dont think many people have seen it.

    its a werewolf movie, about trainee scottish soldiers who come by them.

    Its gory, bloody, rough and its got humour. werewolf movies are usually lame but this one is great! the werewolves are real freaky in this movie.

    heres a pitc of them

  3. A nightmare on elm street 1, then it

  4. The Shining. Not all that scary, but I like it!

  5. Texas chainsaw masacre-original


    Nightmare on elm street.

    Friday the 13th 1-4

    new horrors are not a patch on the classics.

  6. The Decsent

  7. I'd say The exorcist

  8. The Others with Nicole Kidman

  9. The Thing

  10. The saw movies at the mo, but it changes ever now and again..

    Horror movies with a good plot and a good twist at the end, always appeal to me. Then again there's nothing like some good old gore and violence!  

  11. The Thing-1982-John Carpenter

  12. I have two that are really close in terms of which I like best-

    The Hitcher from 1986

    The Thing

    They are both SUPER intense and scary and just very well done horrors that don't rely on nudity, tons of swearing, or just plain STUPID shock value gore to keep your attention and adrenaline up... they actually use SCARY plotlines (go figure) to shock you, not heads exploding and in your face b***s/s*x scenes.  

  13. poltergeist

  14. The Sixth Sense

  15. The Evil Dead part 1

  16. well i grew up watching nightmare on elm street so thats all was been my fave horror..its such a classic and iconic horror. Its a great slasher with intense plot..awesome! bad guy and hello!! a young, adorable johnny deep lol

  17. The Burning

    Dead and Buried

    Return of the Living Dead

    City of the Living Dead

    How to Turture a Duckling

    The Hanging Woman




    A Deadly Friend


    A Nightmare on Elm Street



    They Came From Within

  18. Psycho

    It's not really horror,

    but it's the only movie that I've actually found scary.

  19. id say the grudge as scaryist

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