
What is your favourite poem or poet???

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I have been reading some poetry but i can't find any i really like so can anyone recommend any really good ones?




  1. It depends on whether you're looking for "modern" poetry or "traditional poetry".  Robert Frost's "stopping by woods on a snowy evening" or "the road less traveled" are good, but there are many others well worth reading.  If you want a good selection, get a copy of "the Best Loved Poems of the American People"'s a collection of famous poetry submitted to syndicated newspapers over the publisher's career and contains a wide variety of poetry, much of which you should enjoy.

  2. Holy Sonnet XIV: Batter My Heart, by John Donne. The poems he wrote in the earlier half of his life were excellent as well though of a different theme.

  3. I love Billy Collins' Schoolsville (modern) and Edgar Allen Poe's poetry (classicy modern). Tennyson is more mainstream and traditional but his "Come into the Garden, Maud" is very beautiful. I also love "White Heliotrope" for the love poetry genre.

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