
What is your favourite sport and why?

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what is your favourite sport and why?

It could even be dancing :P




  1. I love dancing.  I loved "Dancing With The

    Stars". Some had never danced before but

    they practiced until they looked like pro's

    at Arthur Murray. But for watching a sport,

    it has to be PGA Golf. The players are all

    such gentlemen. They're good at what they

    do. The scenery is always the

    courses are very beautiful. Each week you

    see a different golf course in a different

    city, state, or even overseas. Golf is not an

    easy game - takes lots of skill. It's a relaxing

    sport to watch from your easychair.

    That's my answer. No fighting going on in

    dancing or golf.

  2. skateboarding--even though it might not be considered a sport--for the rush you get. also it's one of the few things you can do by yourself and still have fun. good for me since i'm anti-social.

  3. The art of skate.

  4. Hello questionasker. Skateboarding all the way, Thats my favorite sport anyways. Hope this helps.

  5. gymnastics. cuz its challenging and a lot of fun!

  6. football is the most fun to watch but as far as doing i would have to say skateboarding. I don't skate anymore but when i did there wasn't anything id rather do

  7. skateboarding beacuse its the best sport in the world it is extremly fun and challenging and that is the best when a sport is challenging cuz it gives you a lot of confidence when you do the trick your trying


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