
What is your favourite style of creative writing to read?

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Romance? Thriller? Constant, focussed conflict?

An autobiography, a monologue perhaps? Or just a story?

My personal favourites are streams of consciousness like The Catcher in the Rye; I was always writing them for English assignments when I was younger.




  1. I like "Catcher," too, and character-driven fiction in general. I really like to get into a character's head.

    I am not a fan of genre fiction at all (sci-fi, romance, thriller, etc.).

    Pick up "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac next.  

  2. I love short fiction!  I love a good hard-boiled detective story.  

  3. I've never been into short stories...mainly novels because I can live in the characters' worlds a lot longer, and there is far more detail and development. I enjoy historical novels and fantasy mostly. But I also love to read biographies about writers, or people in general who are interesting.

  4. As for me, I like elements of supernatural and science.  My favorites are fantasy, science fiction, and horror.  I especially like stories with a strong sense of mystery or wonder and stories that make you think.

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