
What is your favourite subjects?

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My Favourite subjects are English, Science and lastly Mathematics.




  1. i love math and english coz they are very challenging subjects and that you need to use your head in order to understand the subject matter.. one more thing is that we always use these subjects in our daily lives,

  2. When I was in school, I loved English, History, and Art.  I wasn't very good in math so I didn't like it.

  3. Oh i dkk if this is a subject. But I have always loooved choir! I love singing its a passion of mine!  

  4. I mainly liked math, since math you take everything you've already known and put it into new equations, while the other ones, you constantly learn completely new things. (High School).

  5. I pretty much hate everything other than foreign languages.

    It used to be Math, but I've lost my interest in it.

    idk why, everything else is just so boring...

  6. physics and chem

  7. My Favorite Subject is Computer Technoloy and Math

  8. My Fav Subjects are-- Maths ,English & Biology

  9. textiles, umm.. maths and projects, (a bludge subject about learning to change the world) LOL nice question..


  10. P.E and lunchtime are my favorite.

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