
What is your favourite type of alcohol to drink and why?

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What is favourite type to drink like tequila, vodka etc and give me a reason why.




  1. I like wine the most, because it doesn't seem to change my mood. lol All it does is mellow me out.

    When I drink other stuff, I mix my vodka with other alcohols (like schnappes) and whiskey with soda. Each one has a different flavor, and a different effect on my mood.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again... drinking is a personal thing. We all have drinks we like best.

  2. As far as plain alcohol, I'm a vodka guy. When it comes to mixed drinks, I like something called pink panty droppers-definitely a party drink. You get a can of pink lemonade concentrate, put that in a bowl, fill that same can up with vodka, then add two bottles of beer. People think it sounds disgusting, but to me it just tastes like pink lemonade with a kick (and it gets you drunk pretty fast)

  3. any bourbon hands down..

  4. Long island ice tea..sweet

  5. Vodka is most versatile for the ability to mix with juices, tonic, etc.  Or in the case of a really good one, as a martini.

  6. I don't drink alcoholic favorite drink is water.

  7. Amarula liquor, it tastes sooo good, u should try it. it comes from an amarula tree in africa, elephants monkeys and a bunch of different animals eat the fruit but after a while they start to get drunk. its soo funny, look at the youtube video of the animal

    search amarula tree

  8. White Ziphandal (sp)? I love it because it makes me horny and happy. And it doesn't make u fat like beer does.


  10. Rum

  11. Wine. White in the summer, and red in the winter.

    Although if I am having a nice meal, red wine with red meat, and white wine with most fish, pasta, and white meat.

    Why? You'll have to try a few cases to really understand. Wine does not impair my ability to do other things a few hours later, and rarely do you have a hangover the next day.

    Chin. Chin.

  12. blue wave vodka it taste really good i like da blue raspberry flavor

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