
What is your feeding timetable/routine for your 4-6month old?

by  |  earlier

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i just want to know if the way and times im feeding my daughter is ok! I know mum's know best but would just like to compare! I'm curious!! Thanks.




  1. Mine is 5 months old and I am currently weaning with small tasters.

    Wake at 6.45 am.  

    Feeding a 7 oz bottle by 7 am followed by small amount of fruit puree.

    10.45       7 oz bottle followed by taster of vegetable.

    2.15 pm - 7 oz bottle.

    5.15 pm - 2/3rds of bottle and small amt of baby rice mixed with fruit puree.

    6.30 pm - rest of bottle (made fresh).

    6.45 pm - back to bed!

    10.30 pm - last feed from breast (I'm finishing soon!)

  2. as long as baby is getting fed every 4-6 hours then maybe 1ce through the night5 then she should be ok

  3. Hi

    My baby is just over 5 months old now. He now feeds every 4 hours (he was every 1.5 hrs when he was first born!)

    I'm very lucky as he now sleeps through the night without wanting any night feeds (has done this since he was 13 weeks)

    * He wakes at 6:30am and I give him a 7oz bottle.

    * Then at 9am I give him a small bowl of baby cereal (fruity flavour)

    * At 12noon I give him another 7oz bottle and a bowl of baby rice pudding

    * 4pm I give another 7oz bottle

    * Finally at 8pm I give him an 8oz bottle then he goes to bed.

    So he has 4 bottles throughout the day in addition to a bowl of cereal for breakfast and rice pudding for lunch.

    I have only recently started weaning him onto solid food and he took to it immediately. So im going to start introducing more variety or fruit & veg and aim for 3 solid meals per day along with his 4 bottles.


  4. my baby girls almost 5 months she wakes up at about 8-9am has a bottle then then has another one every 3 hours after that including 3 jars of food with 3 of those bottles! she has 5 botlles a day and then sleeps through  

  5. Mine's 4.5 months old and honestly, I never look at how often or how much I feed him.

    The only 'structure' we have is that he gets his last bottle before bed around 7-7:30. Then he sleeps from 8pm until 4 am and wakes up for a feed. The next time he wakes is 7 am we just take it from there. He gets as much as he wants whenever he wants.

    Btw, he's mostly bottle fed. I nurse him at night and first thing in the morning, but more often than not, he'll want a bottle as well.

  6. My baby girl is almost 6 months old. Her pediatrician said she needs to eat anywhere from 25-32 oz of formula a day.


    Her schedule is as follows:

    7:00am- Wake Up

    7:30am- Eat 6 oz formula, some rice cereal and some fruit.

    9:00am- Nap

    11:00am- Wake Up

    11:30am- Eat 6 oz formula, some veggies and some fruit.

    1:00pm- Nap

    3:00pm- Wake Up

    3:30pm- Eat 6 oz formula, some veggies and some fruit.

    5:00pm- Nap

    7:00pm- Wake Up

    7:30pm- Eat 8 oz of formula.

    8:30pm- Go to sleep for the night


    Now this schedule changes sometimes depending on the events for the day. The loose version of this schedule is that she wakes up, gets a diaper change, eats and then lays down for a nap 2 hours after she wakes up. She eats every four hours. After she eats she plays until it is time for a nap.

    Every baby is different, just find what works for your little one.

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