
What is your first assumption when you hear about a 14year old girl getting pregnant?

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like how do you think she got pregnant?




  1. She had s*x, aint that how it usually happens? She wanted to have fun,went too far, didnt think about protection. Wait, wait, wait...close up veiw! EEEEEEPPP IM PREGNANT!!

    Or she possibly got raped?

  2. I don't assume anything.

    I just hope that she'll try to be the best mom she can be, and if she's not capable that she'll make the right decision.

    Though, I think that for anyone, whether they're fourteen or forty.

    I'm not a very judgemental person.....

    Everyone makes mistakes. Just because you made a bad decision it doesn't mean people should judge you.

    People keep using incorrect and harsh words to describe teenage mothers.......

    I'm not a teen mom, I've never even had a boyfriend, but if one of my friends ever got pregnant I wouldn't judge her and I'd support her completely.

  3. hmmm

    my guess is she had s*x!

  4. My first assumption would be- no parenting.

    Sorry, you asked.

  5. The only thing i think is unprotected s*x,they either didnt use protecting or used a poor form of protection but i do know that even if you use protection their are still possibilities of pregnancy.

  6. unprotected s*x mainly, and possibly rape unfortunately, but most likely she was in relationship where she had unprotected s*x.

  7. she had birth control that failed or didnt use protection at all

  8. she's either a s**t or she got raped.

  9. she was bored,

    or had nothing to do


    she was forced to do it

    or she just wasn't planning on anything to happen

    & was just having fun

  10. that shes a trampy s**t

  11. I don't assume anything.

    I hope she'll take care of the growing life inside of her, and not make such a selfish decision as abortion. I hope she can take care of the baby and not have to put him up for adoption, but also that if she could NOT provide a good life for him, she would make the selfless choice and adopt him out.. With an Open Adoption if that's what she wanted.

    It's not my place to think "Oh she's a WH*RE!" or "Oh, poor girl. She must have been raped."

    I don't judge anyone, and I hope others would think the same way about pregnant teenagers.

  12. she had s*x..

    isnt that how it usually happens?  

  13. I'd assume she had s*x with a man or used a sperm donor.

  14. was it planned or an accident.

    was she sleeping around, was she one of those wild teenagers like on maury etc.

    or was it rape, or incest!

  15. how her parents are going to react is what I think..

  16. that she wanted to have fun and it went to far. and all accident.

  17. My assumption, is that this girl is you?

    But anyway, my first assumption would be: Just another teenager. Happens like almost everyday on here, just another old story.

    But I do wish the kids who get this bundle of joy, are a good  mom, and very responsible. =] AND will not get an abortion, unless under important things that happen.

    How do you think she got preggers? Boyfriend or got raped I assume.

  18. shes a s**t, or she got raped.

  19. I think she was doing it with her boyfriend, and that they didn't use protection :)

  20. She got caught up in the moment and wasnt using her head. Not that she should have been doing that anyways...

  21. she got raped

  22. We know how she got pregnant we would want to know why her parents weren't more careful about her being alone with her boyfriend and whether she was really old enough to have one.  Also why didn't her parents makes sure that she was protected and truly understood the risks that she was taking.  Parents have to do a much better job of making sure that their children have plans for the future that are realistic so that they have better things to do with their lives than having s*x. Way earlier than they are truly ready.

  23. That she had s*x

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