
What is your first impression of this pic please?

by  |  earlier

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What do you see? Is it paranormal? The photo was cropped but not altered and it isn't the only one of its kind. There is a natural camera motion blur but the ears hairline and jawline are still extra pointy.




  1. way too fast to take the picture properly, it can make illusions that it's something different like a paranormal pic

  2. It is creepy, but my first thought was "double exposure"....or... The Ring.

  3. Wth? Freaky ****...

  4. i'm sorry but it doesn't look paranormal.

    i mean, c'mon.

    you're a ghost and you look ugly as that? even other ghosts would stay away from you.

    that is just your camera honey. Ask a psychologist, they would tell you the same thing.

    The more you believe on something, the more you see possibilities.

  5. My first thought was the guy just came back from a g*y pride parade, thats about it. Oh, maybe he could wax his chest?

  6. My husband says its the pixel.

    I say you got a picture of the devil instead of a fairy.

    As far as werewolves go there is no such thing.

    a person transforming would break their legs and not be able to move anyway.

  7. You had the camera set entirely on auto, and because it was a dark setting the camera held the shutter open a little longer, causing the blured effect.

    I can tell your friend is female, and really if you start looking closely at the blur, it starts too look less spooky and more like a fluke from natural motion blur.

    Some of her top is flowing over into the "mouth" area and ears are partly covered with hair giving them the pointy look.

    In my opinion its just a fluke, granted, its a really cool, creepy looking fluke.

    edit: I just finished reading your comments, lol, its a male with no shirt on.........Still, creepy, but a fluke.

  8. thats ******* scary, dont put stuff like that on the internet goddamnit

  9. was he moving at all when you took the picture? that is WEIRD because ive had stuff come out messed up with REGULAR cameras but not digital cameras (other than maybe a piece of hair show or my thumb or such.

  10. Thats ****** up.  It freaked the **** out of me.

  11. enter that in a photo contest.  i like it.

  12. creepy

  13. I see you've met my ex.

  14. How do you know the photo was not altered?  It certainly looks altered to me.  No paranormal photograph I have seen looks that illustrated or clear, despite the blur.  It's a photo illustration and a pretty good one.  Creepy.

  15. my thoughts:

    1) the photographer needs to hold the camera still, and/or

    2) reduce exposure time, and/or

    3) the subject needs to hold still

    4) not paranormal

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