
What is your first name and what nicknames have you had? (please tell me both good and bad)?

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Just to get you started, my first name is Francesca and I have gotten:

(Good): Fran, Franny, Checka, Chicka, Cheesy, Frankie, Franka, Frankie, Frank

(Bad): f***y, Fatty, Fat-chesta, Fat-chested




  1. My name is Hiba (Lebanese/Syrian) descent

    Good: Beebo, Heebz, Hibalicious

    Bad: b***s, Habla (stupid/silly in arabic), Hib-Hib Hooray, Hubba Bubba

  2. Name: Lourdes Giselle

    Good: LG, Elle, selli, G, Étoile(star in French, but only my grandpa calls me that), Lou

    bad: Liselle, Lourdie, Louelle, toothpick(cause I'm skinny),

    I don't have a lot of bad ones, but there are embracing ones I will NOT put up her. haha.

  3. My name is Richard.

    Good: Rick, Ricky, d**k, Richie

    Bad: several offensive words which refer to homosexuals.

    I answer only to my real name.  I can't stand nicknames.

  4. My name is Christian.

    (Good:)....haha,none.I hate nicknames.Besides Chris,I won't answer to nicknames.

    Bad): Miss Priss,Christian Lasha,f****s,moron,"Hey you!" (lol) and "That deaf girl."

    I love the bad ones,they're funny.The first two are just annoying things I'm called when I'm in trouble.My sister has tons of nicknames,but I refer to her as either "MaKayla" (her name) or Cake.(She hates that)

  5. ahh! my name is CAITLIN.

    amazing nicknames i love: cat, kitty cat, sometimes catie.

    i attack people when they call me: cat woman, catie-lynne[[except for 3 of my friends]], kit-kat [[COME ON IM NOT A FREAKIN CHOCOLATE CANDY BAR]], and cate.  

  6. My name is Marilyn. Only my favorite older sister had a nickname for me, it was Mare.

    She has died so now I have no nickname.

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