
What is your first thought?

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When you awake in the morning what is your

first thought for the day?

Mine is Progress.




  1. The girl i love

  2. "thank you Lord for blessing me with another day and am i LATE for school?!??"

  3. timmy:]

  4. "Where's my phone? How many new texts do I have today?" because people always text me between 4-7 in the morning when i'm sleeping. haha. And I always have at least 5 new texts in the morning.

  5. Right now, my first thought is, "Thank you LORD that you brought me through this," because for approximately 6 years, my first thought was "How did this happen to me."

    Good question.  I bet my answer will get a lot of "thumbs down," if anyone even reads it.

  6. gotta go hurry and take a shower

  7. What day is it?

  8. Mine is please just 10 more minutes!

  9. I wanna go back to sleep

  10. oh **** not another day of this

  11. d**n... now i gotta get up and go to work...or just lay in bed thinking of ways to get out of work!

  12. Actually, this morning it was ~ do I have to go to work today.....I had to stop and think that it was Saturday. That is what happens, I guess when you work all the time.

  13. What should I eat for breakfast?

  14. mine is: 9  more minutes, then i go back 2 sleep :) jk i just tell myself to make this thee greatest day eva!!!

  15. My daughter-Natalya

  16. my first thought is almost always the same...

    "i have to pee!!"

  17. Mirror

  18. GAWD, couldn't they wait to cut the d**n grass till tonight?????

    and I have to go PEE.

  19. First thought: bathroom. Second thought: food.

    Repeat throughout day (and night).

  20. what im going to do is my first thought

  21. Five more minutes..

  22. The time. I think of the time and then I think of what I have to do that day.

  23. []

  24. coffee

  25. Why did I have to wake up

  26. mine is.... "why do i always get up this early?"


  28. Goddammit, I'm still here...

  29. For the last several months, my first thought (and action) is to grab my "Jesus Speaking" book, read the thoughts of the day, and then read the scriptures it suggests.  Putting God first in the morning is making a difference in my life.  I should put Him first all day, and I do try, but many other things and thoughts edge in.  Yes, I'm an older lady (67), but so also will you be if you live long enough.

  30. First thought when I wake up: 'what time is it?'

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