
What is your first thought when seeing this picture? ?

by Guest67136  |  earlier

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  1. That people on the Far Left can only see in mirror image.

  2. Probably posted by a Democrat.

  3. Somebody with the intelligence of a lamb watching Fox news

  4. It gives me the idea that anyone who belives in the actions of Bush is a sheep.

  5. wicked burn

  6. Funny.  Thanks for the smile.

  7. Barak Obama will make the perfect sheep herder!

  8. Its winter already.

  9. Cheap Bush

  10. wtf

  11. Hello,

    Very clever on matter which side of the political fence you sit on.


    Michael Kelly

  12. Bill O

  13. i need a sweater and a bomb shelter

  14. well it kind of made me giggle. i like sheep, so i thought it was cute

  15. Humans are like sheeps.

  16. Their clones

  17. That is a smart sheep. FOX is the best.

  18. I will listen to you

  19. "siàu d'accord"

    which in my language means, "i agree". fox news is pretty racist, and most people who are fans of george dubya are sheep...dumb sheep at that

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