
What is your forecast about the Airlines in the next 20 years?

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We know that the airlines are facing big problems specially with the fuel cost which is going up and that is bringing bad problems to the airlines around the world, one of those problems is the bankruptcy which have turned out from some small airlines in the US what lead them to close their operation due to the fuel cost, as a result of that some airlines have decided to merge with another in order to reduce the cost of operation an example of that is the merge between Northweast and Delta Airlines which have recently became one the biggest airline around the world.

Know it's well done if the fuel's cost continue increasing it'll lead some small airlines to the bankruptcy. the number of travellers have been decreasing lately due to the cost of flight and if the numbers of travellers continue decreasing it will beat very hard to the airlines.

what is your forecast about the Airlines in the next 20 years.




  1. Twenty years? Nobody has ever accurately forcast five years in the airline industry.

  2. The number of airlines will continue to shrink and only the strong will survive.  It won't be long until SWA starts to feel the crunch like the rest of the airlines have.  The airlines will continue to pass along the increased fuel costs along to the paying passengers until the airlines see a big decrease in pax numbers.

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