
What is your freakiest paranormal experience?

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I like to hear experiences from diffrent people so tell me your stories! lol




  1. well my freakiest experience that i remember is one i had when i was 8. my mom's in the kitchen I'm playing inside by my self. this at 905 South Glen wood. i suddenly feel like i'm being watched from the basement while I'm playing. so i get up to check and found that the door was hut. I opened it and didn't se anything. i however heard something. the way i can describe the sound is that ti was like a wolf and a lion or tiger fighting. i live in Springfield Illinois and did then. I think that that house is haunted by a demon.

  2. well nothing has happen to me but i have a nephew he  is 4 yrs old sometimes he  is playing by himself and then he starts screaming and crying he says that hes friend is making fun of him and i be like to him what friend is just me and you in the house and he be pointing to the corner and hes says hes laughing at me i just find it really weird and strange that sometimes i be afraid of staying in the house by myself

  3. well among other times, my friend recently passed almost a month ago. we weren't close but he was the type you could meet once and fall in love with his personality and he'd remember you. well, one night I was sitting in my room half asleep at around 11 p.m. and I looked at the foot of my bed and there was this human shaped shadow standing there. instantly, I thought of my friend and I didn't understand why because I hadn't talked to him in a month or so. the next day, my best friend called me and said "jesse died last night." I didn't really put two and two together until I found out he got hit by a car at around 10:30 and died at 11. That freaked me out. Soon after, I had a dream he was back and no one could tell him he was dead, some girl commented him on his myspace and had almost the same dream! Then yesterday, I was riding in the middle of the nowhere and I started thinking of him and I felt him say "just a few miles ahead" we wound up pulling over to the side of the road. when I looked out the window, the place from m dream was there! freaky!! R.I.P. Jesse <3

  4. I've had so many, its hard to say, but these 2 touched me emotionally the most, the first in a happy, sappy love way, the second not so nice:

    1.  My best guy friend ever died Dec 30, 2006.  he was 25, he died in his sleep completely unexpected.  I was suicidal for weeks and cried every day for almost a year.  Then, he started coming to me in dreams.  The last dreams I had of him was around christmas 2007 (we always made time for each other on christmas).  Before he died, I had told him I was getting married Dec 31, 2007.  but after he died so close to that date, I changed the wedding to April 2008.  In my 2nd to last dream, he came to me.  we were in a store, and he picked up a pink wedding planning book from a bottom shelf and told me that was his wedding gift to me.  the book had built in pockets for  material samples, blank pages for gathering ideas....I was so upset when I woke up.  the last dream, he told me to stop being sad and he was okay and he'd always be with me.  Since then, I've been much happier and realized life is worth living.  But the weirdest part happened about a month later.  I was out shopping alone and something told me to shop on the side of the store I normally pass over.  As I passed one aisle, something in my head said, "LOOK DOWN!"  There, on the bottom shelf was THE exact wedding book from my dream, which, until then, I had no clue was an actual real book!  I was hysterical, and of course, bought it.  Also, before my friend died, I told him that I'd make him  my male bridal attendant and that purple would be the wedding color.  I ended up changing my colors to blue and black, but when I got my wedding pictures back, there is a deep purple wavy "spot" floating about my maid of honor's head---we had no purple lights, no purple decorations, no mirrors....all I can say is that I never got to tell him that I changed my colors, but he still knew he belonged ahead of my maid of honor!

    2.  I've always ben sensitive to paranormal activity and I assume its not a coincidence that I  move into all haunted places so much as the spirits just follow me.  I'm used to shadow ppl and weird noises, but the weird stuff was completely boring and normal until today.  I saw my husband's doppekganger (living ghost).  My husband is very much alive.  he left for work this morning, but an hour later, something crawled into bed with me.  I heard our bedroom door open and shut, someone walk around the bed and felt them crawl in.  he put his arm around me and it felt exactly like my husband.  I asked if it was him, and it replied "yes".  I asked why he was home so early and he started crying.  The bed began to pulse and I turned to look at him.  he looked very upset, then disappeared!  I was all alone with no sign that anything had been there at all.  I feared the worst, but I talked to my husband just an hour or so later and he's happy and very much alive.  That was the scariest thing I've ever seen.

  5. i live with a ghost/spirit, she is a young girl that had a mean aunt. she has made contact with me by phone. that call made me a true believer! (more on the phone call at end) so... at first she was mad at me, till i told her i'm not the one who hurt her. i told her i didn't mind if she stayed in my home. i told her i like her being here and she can stay as long as she wants. i told her i didn't know what happened to her, but i wish i knew, and felt sorrow for her. so anyways... i always leave the tv on at night.(most ghosts/spirits like tv) one night i woke up... Wide Awake! (i think she had something to do with that) and went for a drink of water,(usually i just go back to sleep) as i walked past the tv, antiques roadshow was on. i HEARD the guy say "sinister aunt"... when he said "SPINAKER aunt". they were looking at an old painting... of... the girls family! left to right was: her mom, her on the piano, fireplace, baby in bassinet, her brother, and her aunt,sitting at a spinning wheel. the aunt was THE sinister/spinaker, (a spinaker:is one who uses a spinning wheel) the father had long passed. in a split second i think she threw what happened into my thoughts... mom and brother went to town for supplies(town was far in them days) she stayed home ,the aunt watched her and the baby. she was playing the piano. the aunt got mad and said stop. she continued to play a bit more to finish the song. the aunt was so mad she slammed the piano key cover on her little hands crippling them... sorry this next part is a bit graffic... not knowing what to do, or how to explain to her mother, she killed the girl and hid the body, and told the mother she ran away. THIS WHOLE THOUGHT/IMAGE CAME TO ME IN A SPLIT SECOND AS I GLANCED AT THE TV! before i went back to sleep i told her how sorry i felt for her and my heart aches for her. NOW TO THE PHONE CALL! a couple nights later as i went to bed,i told her i wish i knew what her name was. 2:30ish my cellphone rings. i figure it's a wrong number (you know,bar time) THEN... voicemail chimes in. maybe one of my friends needs a ride home.(i don't drink) so i call it (i'm in michigan, my cell has a california area code, 310 for travel) the voicemail is from cali'...310! it's a girl, she said.. high john it's mandy,(my name is john)it's kinda late, (11:30ish in cali) i won't make it over tonight, maybe friday we can get coffee or somthing. call me. bye. it's just a wrong number? or was it? she was calling john, (my name is john, 310---310) i call her back to tell her she DIALED a wrong number and my name is john, and i have a 310 area code but i'm in michigan, but i'm not HER friend john in cali., and she still needs to call him. GET THIS!!! SHE SAID SHE DIDN'T DIAL! she used her phones contact to call! but it went to MY phone. i called sprint, they said, that can't happen. BUT IT DID! now i know her name is Mandy,.some day soon i'm going to get a piano for her to play. thats what she wants to do. WOWW I JUST GOT A CHILL...BUT PEACEFUL...she must be sitting with me at the computer. i will get the piano soon Mandy :-)

    ghosts/spirits are known to use electrical/electronic devices to comunicate. they are in essence, energy.

    i have also had evil spirits here, but told them they had to leave. you must let them know YOU MEAN IT or they will stay.

  6. I do not like to recount experiences satanic

    you better say whether it was true or not the supernatural

    Messages of Our Lady of the Roses

                                 THE SUPERNATURAL

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœWhile we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen, are temporal; but the things which are not seen, are eternal.” - 2 Corinthians 4:18



    "Reject not the knowledge that there is a supernatural world about you unseen to your human eyes. You must be separated from your human body before you will have this knowledge of life beyond the veil. But do not be deluded now by the agents of satan who try to take this knowledge from you that you are but pilgrims upon this earth-a short stay, a time of pilgrimage in which you will gain your merit or set your soul onto the road to damnation. You have been given the way. You will follow it with discipline, sacrifice, and prayer, or you will be lost forever. Pray much, My children, for many prayers are needed. Your world is in deep darkness." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974


    "You must recognize the supernatural or you will be lost. There is a war now going on, a war far worse than any human war of the nations ever seen before, and never to see again at its conclusion. It is truly the battle of the spirits, the forces of light against the forces of darkness. My children, you are all being tested: of free will, will you make your decision. No man shall fall into h**l unless he wills himself there." - Jesus, November 19, 1977


    "My children, I will not counsel you anew upon the horrors being perpetrated in your country and in your cities by the agents of h**l. My children, if you reject the supernatural, you reject your own reprieve and salvation. You cannot fight what you cannot see, and you cannot see if you allow yourselves to be blinded. My children, We ask that you remove this blindness from your hearts and accept what is happening in your world." - Jesus, October 6, 1977


    "Much, My children, you must accept in faith. Scientists of your world and your psychologists and psychiatrists rationalize everything, until sin is accepted as a way of life-scientists who are ever searching but never coming to the truth! The supernatural cannot be rejected, because if you reject the supernatural, you do not have the armor to fight it. It is a crafty plan of satan to make himself unknown, so that he may go among you, and destroying like a ravenous wolf." - Our Lady, December 7, 1977


  7. my freakiest experience is still happening. i have a spirit or ghost in my house and if follows me everywhere around my house. i can actually feel it within a foot around me all the time. i have seen it in pictures and things. it kinda freaks me out though when its late at night and i go downstairs to get a drink or something i fell like i'm being watched and followed. i can feel it right now as i'm telling you this. it feels like it is hovering around my shoulders all the time.

  8. They are too numerous to count.  The freakiest paranormal experiences occur every day when I observe the ever-growing crime rates as featured on the local evening news.

  9. Well my freakiest experience was when I was really little, but I wasn't afraid when I was little, so that doesn't count. If you want, I'll share it with you, though.

    My mom has a pass for a hotel fitness club. It's a really old hotel, and many people have seen things that can't be explained. A long time ago, maybe 10 or 11 years ago, I was in the sauna with my mom(we'd just had a swim) and I saw 2 kids, a boy and a girl(one was 6 one was 8), wearing really old fashioned clothes(maybe from the 20's). Then, they walked through a wall. I told my mom, who just thought i was making stuff up. The next day, she asked a woman who had worked there for a long time about what I'd seen. and she told my mom that I'd seen the 2 kids. When the night shift is working, they hear them. They like to laugh while running up and down the stairs at night.

    Although, a few years ago, I was maybe 12 or 13, I was in that same hotel, and I was aware that it was haunted. I was in the shower, and my mom was in the sauna. We were mostly alone in the ladies' bathroom. Then, I hear someone that sounded like my mom call my name: Tamaraa, Tamaraa, it said. I ignored it, and then it stared again. Then, once I had finished my shower, I went into the sauna, and I said to my mom: Why were you calling me? What did you want?. My mom said: I didn't call you, you were calling me..

    The ghosts wer e playing tricks on us.

  10. wow, compared to some of these people, my experiences are nothing!

    so far i've had about four experiences.

    #1: my grandma had died about a week before my birthday, and they had the funeral three days before my birthday(may 25th). i was crying in my room alone. then all of a sudden i felt like someone was watching me from my closet. i had a conjoined closet so when my brother would shut the door in the other room, the door would open. anyways, the door opened just a little bit, then shut. then it would do that over and over. i said "if someone is there, just come in." then my door opened all the way and shut all the way. i could feel someone there, but it was comforting. then later i left and asked my brother if he had opened his closet door, but he hadn't been in his room all day.

    #2 i was at a hotel near six flags in california. me and my three friends had just bought an Ouija board and were playing it. We had talked to this guy who had died there. I forget his name, but he was on the second floor and he found out his wife was cheating on him, so he jumped from the balcony and died. We asked him to prove he was here, and a few minutes later, me and my other friend Sarah were talking on the bed, and all of a sudden my V8 bottle fell over. Nothing could have made it fall. Then I felt someone grab my leg but not pulling. I was freaked out. Then we went to the front desk and said about two years ago a guy commited suicide here and he had the same name the board told us.

    #3 i was on the computer and i felt someone grab my sides. my mom and brother had gone to the grocery store.

    #4 i was walking up the street at night toward my house and i heard a man whisper "hey. samantha." i looked and no one was there. i ran home.

  11. Unfortunately, even after all of the time I've been investigating, I have yet to have a true paranormal experience.

  12. My first experience was the freakiest! I was about 14 and I was watching tv. I looked in the kitchen and an old man with overalls was staring at me. I ran to my parents room and made my dad go in there. The man wasn't in there any more. Weird, I know. It's true though.

  13. Me seeing a man on a bridge and no one was there

  14. The freakest paranormal experience for me? I don't know where to begin. Somewhere between the many alien abductions, and my time I spent being a witch.

    I think the best was when I had the power, being a witch. When I had called upon several unamed spirits, and I spent 3 hours of the night up in the air.

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