
What is your funniest moment of shame?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike in : walk out of a book store, holding a bag full of new books in one hand, car keys in the other. And right before crossing path with a few people, I tried to get a strand of hair out of my face with the hand holding the bag... with the momentum, i caught the heavy books right in the face... the people i passed started cracking up...


trying to act "tough" in front of a boy i liked in high school and tried to smoke while he was just a few paces away from me. Needless to say i had never smoked before. And after taking a breath and choking on it, coughing my lungs out, while he and his friends were laughing at me, i realized it had been one bad idea...


being a home-body i hardly ever sleep out of my own bed. But a few years back, i stayed with the guy who was my boyfriend at the time. In the morning the alarm clock rang and woke me up. I tried to get up and turn it off... But being so used to the way my bedroom is set up and having JUST woken up, i ran right into a wall...

and that's just a few of my quirks ^^

please share yours ^^




  1. I was 'Ridin' Dirrty' (license was suspended because of my ex) and a cop got behind me.  It was late and I was really tired (and I tend to get really sarcastic when I get tired).  Well, I make sure I'm doing the speed limit, using correct signals, etc.  I approach a stop sign and count to three before continuing.  As I got to 3, I hear a bang and my car launches forward.  The cop actually hit into the back of me!  We both got out of our cars and I could tell he was kinda new.  He was younger and he seemed really nervous.  He asked if I was okay and if I wanted to file a report.  All I could think to say was "What the h**l did you do?  Drop your donut??'

  2. While in HS...I was taking the subway back home from classes in NYC.  I was very drained from a long day of classes and staying up late to watch the USA World Cup game.  I full-blown passed out on the subway and apparently fell asleep on an old lady.   I was woken up by her touch and a subway car full of laughter.  But it was in all good fun.

  3. during school,

    i was sort of not paying attention to where i was walking and walked straight into a pole that was more towards the wall,

    and another time i rammed into a person (a huge senior dude) who was standing perfectly still in the lunch line, he glared at me and my friend was laughing at me.

    and another time, i am in track and do hurdles

    and in one of the practices i wasnt feeling too well, but ran the practice hurdles anyway. i crash, and bump my head on the track, so hard that my head bounced..

    right in front of a whole lot of ppl running by me on the track.

    and i cried...i couldnt control it.

    i felt reallyy embarassed...and dizzy.

    those are what i get for not wearing contacts and walking/running around blind.

  4. Well today iwas at my friends house and he and this other guy were wrestling on his bed where I had been sitting , so I got up and <u>attempted</u> to sit on this futon-type chair thing in his floor and I slowly slid off of it onto the floor, onto my back and rolled over my head(all in slow motion. Then when I got up and tried to sit on it again, I slowly slid off the side and back onto the floor....

    I have alot, but thats what happened to me today...

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