
What is your funniest?

by  |  earlier

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anybody have a funny baby story, or childhood story about you or your children or other peoples children that you would like to share. i like hearing about all the funny things kids do. like my son was only 17 months old and he came running into the kitchen when dad was cooking and just yelled "v****a", and my husband turned around and asked him if he just said v****a, and my son said yeah, and i almost peed i was laughing so hard, we have no idea where he learned that word, its not a common word in our household, i have no girls and 2 boys now, but i will never forget that day. my oldest son is now 2 years old and my youngest is 3 months.




  1. I have a great one about myself:

    It was on Halloween and I was 2 years old. I was dressed as a clown and I had the whole costume. [We're talking big shoes, red nose, rainbow wig, everything] My whole family was at my dad's mom's house and my aunt was video taping me, just asking me questions and everything. All of the sudden, I just jump off of the couch, start shaking my butt and singing "Happy birrffday to me! Happy birrffday to me!"  The funny part is, it wasn't my birthday. My birthday is in March.    =D

  2. Our daughter is 1 and yesterday my husband told her, you are not going to get your way and she looks at him and goes "yes I am"  lol I thought it was hillarious
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