
What is your greatest fear??

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  1. Dying unloved, without ever having found true love.

  2. Is the greatest fear the one for yourself? Or is your greatest fear the one for the others in your life? I have found that ,the worst things that have happened in my life,  happened to others. I do not fear dying, or being alone!  

  3. losing my mind...

    my family have a history of mental illness, my dad has manic depression, his sister (my aunt) locks herself away from the world due to her depression, my sister has lost all rational processes in her mind and has run off to amsterdam, my cousin is neorotic..theres just me now.

    luckily at my age i've not shown any symptoms and may have my mum's side of things when it comes to emotion...only time will tell unfortunately.  

  4. At this moment, I fear nothing.

    I have nothing to fear, when I got nothing to feel at all.

    In times like this. I know nothing about pain anymore.

  5. That something will happen and I can not protect my son.

    I never fear for myself. Being a mother changes you beyond anything you can imagine.

  6. to get seriously ill.

    that would prevent me from keep doing things like and need.

  7. me

  8. tampons

    ha ha

  9. Spiders...I have nightmares that they are all over my the walls in my room

  10. DYING! I always worry about my life coming to an end way too soon. I don't want to leave behind my children with no mother and only a dad. I always worry something will happend to my parents or something.  

  11. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness which frightens us. Your playing small doesn't serve the world there is nothing enlightening about shrinking so other people dont feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do it's not just in some of us its in everyone. And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear. Our presence automatically liberates others. ......

  12. I fear time. I hate knowing that one day I will eventually die, and no longer be here. I also fear not accomplishing all of my goals and dreams. Fearing this and time, makes it very difficult for me to handle all of the weight that I put on myself. It makes my life very stressful. I believe that the only way to make myself fully proud, yada yada yada, is to do something great, so I will be remembered.  

  13. Without a doubt, the fear of heights is my worst fear.

    Explain it?

    It's weird, prior to my Mom passing away back in 1992, man, I would do ANYTHING to freak people out and that included walking to the edge of a roof and standing on my tiptoes intentionally swaying back and forth!

    AFTER she died, suddenly I found myself mysteriously scared to death of heights!  I didn't realize I was scared of heights until one day about a year later....

    and this will show what a dork I am.....

    So I had this huge tree in my back yard that I truly loved.  But I didn't want to pay some guy 400 bucks to trim it back at the top so branches don't come crashing down on my fence(I live in Indiana, and when we get wind, we GET wind bigtime!).

    So I climb up, trim branches off and get this wonderful idea about how great it felt as a kid to climb trees because I used to LOVE to climb trees!  

    I'm about 35 feet up and think, "ah h**l, I'm gonna climb this tree as far up as I can like I did when I was a kid....that was so much fun....why haven't I climbed a tree all these years"?

    I climb and climb and I'm feeling great right?  The view, the wind, I'm king of the freakin' WORLD!

    And then I decide that enough is enough, it's time to go back to being a grown-up again and look down from where I climbed UP.

    And froze.....I didn't realize I had literally shimmied up a bare branch about 10 feet getting as high as I can in this damned tree!  And by now, my neighbors I'm sure are looking out their windows at this nutcase in the tree and wondering what the h**l he's up to NOW.....

    Well, to make a long story shorter than I have so far, I did get out of the tree but not before I had to just slide down 10 feet to the nearest branch and then slide down another bare branch I had shimmied up and kept doing that until FINALLY I was on solid ground again!

    .....I couldn't cross my legs for the next week though and have been scared of heights since......

  14. Either endless suffering or the conditions coupled with a mindset that perpetuates it.

  15. well, until last week, i thought i was scared of syringes. But when i had to get a shot, i wasn't scared at all.

    My greatest fear is not to make something of my life and go down in history. My greatest is probably ending up like my mother or sister. My mother was a pregnant teenager and gave up her whole career and future to look after my older sister. My sister is a slacker with bad grades, no future and i wouldn't be surprised if she came home pregnant.

    So, I suppose I fear not being remembered for anything and wasting my life.

  16. I think it would have to be losing my mom.

    She is my everything.

    I fear that I would be lost without her.

  17. hopelessness. like i will get into a situation and won't able to do anything.  

  18. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.

    Japanese Proverb.

    Love & Blessings


  19. not living life to the fullest.

  20. Fear of nothing to fear.

    Fear is a great emotion to use. It's given to us , so we must use it. It's kind of boring living life without fear, the adventure would be lost. maybe hahaha.

  21. To die a meaningless death. For no good to come with my last breath.

  22. I'm afraid that my wrist will be slashed, scratched or bleed. i get very scared when my wrist is exposed, it feels like someone will slash it with a knife.

  23. Something happening to my daughter.

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