
What is your healthy diet?

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What is your healthy diet?




  1. I eat no animals, or animal products. I eat whole, real foods with no corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, enriched flour (fancy wording for white) partially hydrogenated oils, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, artificial flavors, anything that looks as though it was created in a lab by man and not in nature by God. Of course, this is not always feasible, like last week when I was visiting my parents. They had whole wheat bread with high fructose corn syrup. We ran out of our corn syrup free bread, but what my parents had was better than the white buns they had.

    It boils down to realizing that my body and my life is a gift of God and I'm not doing God any favors by showing my thanks by treating this vessel with artificial things. My body is natural, so much of what is trying to be passed off as "food" isn't.  

  2. a meal consisting of of meat or fish,

    1 or 2 complex carbohydrate (eg. yam, potatoes, pumpkin etc)

    a mixture of raw vegetables, (eg. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, yellow or red sweet pepper, shredded carrots)

    varied mixture of steam vegetables (eg a leafy vegetable and/or string beans, or a vegetable salad)

    If you'd like to add drink - preferably home made fruit or vegetable juice.

    Another is a mixture of different fruits with nuts and seeds

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