
What is your heritage??

by Guest62680  |  earlier

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Are you proud of it and why?




  1. German and Irish. Yes I am proud because, I don't know. But I am proud. =)


    THE REST IM A MUT.;...


  3. Irish, Scottish, English, and Welsh, but I have always lived in the United States.

  4. im very proud of my heritage, i'm straight from mother africa herself

  5. Theres a lot to be proud of.. theres bits of Scottish, British, Irish, Acadian French and Dutch.

  6. Russian. heck yes i'm proud of it!!! russia has done tons of cool things! and we dress nice too. lol. jk on the last part (kinda)

  7. Irish/Scot/Greek.....Yes, I'm proud of all of them. They make me who I am.

  8. i am african american...whenever i see other african americans on tv doing something wrong, i am said and ashamed.  otherwise, i am happy.

  9. I am Russian and Jewish and h**l yes i am proud. i Never wish i was anything else but who i am.

    Russian ppl know how to partay ;D

  10. Japanese. We are very proud and respected people.

  11. am Ethiopian and am proud of it

  12. Dominican & Trinidadian......Nothing better than That!

  13. I am German and Sac and Fox Native American.  And I am 100% American, lol  :P

  14. Im african american mixed with indian and im proud of what i am i wouldnt change it for anything:)

  15. Yes, I am proud of my heritage I love to be a African-American female and I love looking sexxy.

  16. imm albaniann :]]

    im deffinitley proudd of it :]

    thatss how i was taught and im also exposed to it a lot :]]

  17. German and Irish ! I LOVE them  , i think both cultures are so beautiful! I wouldn't change them for the world !


    Both love parting.  & i could go on and on

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