
What is your highest break at snooker?

by Guest64907  |  earlier

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What is your highest break at snooker?




  1. Just a collar bone

    I was dancing on the table drunk

  2. my highest break is 155 yes 155 beat that, ask for details

  3. 48, not as good as hubby, he has had a few 100+ top break of 116, He gets out more than me :-p

  4. .

  5. 147 - Honest

  6. 148

  7. My highest break is 75 but used to over 20years ago regularly achieve over 40 consistently.

  8. Mine is 147, on sunday

    my name is Ding Junhui

    you may have heard of me

  9. Honestly it was 48 but tried something with the blue and it would have been 53 but fluffed the shot

  10. Everybody knows the highest break is 155 with technicalitties, mine is personally 92   also had an 88,,86,,85,83   I was so anoid never to make a ton though.

  11. Hello my highest break is 59 then missed an easy black but thats snooker the best game in the world

  12. more than you - amateur!

  13. About 24

  14. 6....(i`m a girl)

  15. i think you know its 147.........ive just read your Q again mine is 52

  16. I was leaning on a 5ft cue and it snapped! lol. Seriously though, my highest break was 89.

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