
What is your honest opinion of George W. Bush?

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What is your honest opinion of George W. Bush?




  1.      To the blogger who said George w. Bush did a pretty good job of protecting us from Muslim terrorists. Well then, how about the other side of the coin? That is, he also did a pretty good job of "allowing" 9/11 to happen". Since, as president, he did recieve a CIA report warning him of some kind terrorist attack upon the United States. That was a real possibility. So what did he do? Absolutley nothing! Which in hindsight, seems to have been a deliberate non-action. Since it seems fair to say that Bush and his cabinet knew that any such probable attack would most likely come from Bin Laden and the Taliban. Thus giving him a way of starting a preemptive war with Iraq. (Since Americans everywhere would be vulnerable to fear.) Which, we now know, was born out by the fact that after bombing Afghanstan, he stopped all efforts in going after Bin Laden to drum up the threat of WMD's in Iraq.

         Thus making George W. Bush a devious and sociopathic character with no interests but his own. Because he had to have lied his way into the Iraq war since 1) no WMD's were ever found. And 2), asserted without any doubt that WMD's did exist. As well as having the head of the CIA, George Tenet, state for the record that their existence was a "slam dunk."

         So therefore, there can be no assumption as to George W. Bush's place in history.  Since these acts, as well as others, put him at the bottom as one of the worsts president in history.  

  2. honestly I think Geroge W Bush is a scumbag lier , taking us to Iraq for no reason at all. he did this war thing for his own personal intrence. he distroy american jobs threw out the hole intyer country .

    and he went up on gas prices bigtime. he went up on taxes on the poor middle class people created the biggest budget defisit of all time / in history things were nothing but bad news when Geroge W bush was president for  the full intyer 8 years he sat in the white house. he gave the poor nothing he gave the rich everything interms of goods. i am still unemployed / during his 8 years in office i worked in the factory there were lots of times where we had downtime that means no work there were times that it happend alot to me and my company & Geroge W Bush is to blame for all of this. I hate Geroge W Bush he`s a jerk scumbag he`s a croock he stole the election from Al Gore in 2000 / he more then likely did the same with John Kerry in 2004. Geroge W Bush is a lieing theef. I neverd voted for that scumbag Bush  I voted for John Kerry 2004. I am glad bush is out of office he`s ben a Scumbag his hole 8 year term I am glad he`s finished he`s for the rich not the poor.


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