
What is your honest opinion of me? (pic)?

by  |  earlier

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rate (1-10)

and overall opinion

look better blonde?

no rude comments,





  1. Gorgeousss !!!!

    i say 16 or 17

  2. you're so hot i would buy you a sports car... used of course :P

  3. dark hair definatly, it brings out your eyes

    i give you a 10

  4. gorgeous!

  5. 9 or 10. your gorgues!

    no please dint die ur hair blond! your hair color is sooo pretty!

    my age guess is 21 maybe?? idk tho im soo bad at guessing ages! lol

    overall open: gorgues!

  6. 10???? Get the Fu*k outa here

    7 - at best

    I would need atleast 5 drinks in me, and only if I didnt have to use a condom.

    The fact that you are posting yourself on Yahoo answers too shows you are an insecure s**t who goes around getting attention from people and uses s*x to cover how S****y and afraid you feel deep down. As far as age, you are definately under 21.

    I would definately NOT go blonde either.

  7. keep your hair that color, blue hair & brown hair is hard to find, unless thats contacts. anyways, you look like your 18 or so

  8. omgashhhh.

    you are amazing.


  9. Your gorgeous! I give you a 10! And I'm not a L*****n, I think your 18/19

  10. well your either a 7-8 but i am not g*y cuz i think your pretty

  11. You are very pretty.

    I guess you look around 20-25.

    Blonde, Yes, and I rate you 9. You just need to smile with teeth in pictures if you don't mind.

  12. IF that's you then

    18-19 years old


    and don't dye your hair blonde because you will look really fake.

  13. you look like 17.

    your rele pretty.

    i would say 9.

    and im not g*y.

  14. 17-19


    i dunno howd u look blode but you look really attractive now in the pics

  15. 17-18, around that age


    you're stunning. im jealous. :)

    no stay brunette! you look great.

  16. I think your really pretty 9 im not g*y either

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