
What is your honest opinion on Area 51?

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please, no stupid answers. I have been doing research and i just want to know what everybody else "TRULY" thinks.




  1. Probably nothing more than a military base that does alot of R&D, and testing of new weapons.  Aliens and flying saucers?  I don't think so.  But just a base.  

  2. It's just a base where the Air Force develops new technology. I'm sure they have some cool gadgets in there but the place is over glamorized.

  3. I think that's where Santa Claus has his secret toy shop. Why else would it be so secret?  

  4. Its a base where they test experimental aircraft's.  

  5. WTF??

  6. honestly?


    ..........the game really sucked ***.

  7. Its really confusing because the government never really tell us what goes on there I really don't kw they really don't talk about it...all I now its that they have seen many phenomenal things there! WEIRD!

  8. I truly think that it's all a secret.  If you do not have the need to know , the information will not be given to you. TOP SECRET!!!!  It could affect National Security, religious beliefs or even our thoughts on what we think the wourld should be like????

  9. Rubish

  10. its real

    and probably has more than just a few uses

    there is an area 52 too

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