
What is your idea about iran?

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What is your idea about iran?




  1. I've worked with a lot of Iranian students and they were always friendly and well mannered and respectful of our religion. Much more respectful than we are of theirs

    Our citizens think that we are the only people in the world. We have a very arrogant attitude toward those of different cultures and that's because of the lies of our own plundering government.

  2. I think that the people of Iran are sophisticated and don't want to harm people of the USA.  They were mourning with us when 9/11 occurred, so why would they want to attack us?  As far as Israel is concerned, it is Israels problem, NOT ours.

    As far as their "President" goes...many people don't realize that he is THIRD in command.  He is being made out to be the one in power, when he isn't.

    Also, if you look at the facts as they present themselves...and turn off the TV, ignoring the spin they put on those see these very powerful points:

    1.  Iran attempted to send Bush a letter talking about how they were concerned with WMD, the destruction in Iraq, Gitmo, and the suffocation of the sciences research which Bush keeps trying to squelch.  Yes, he did have a lot of religious comments about God and Jesus, but reading it shows that he was trying to get on Bush's level with doing this and nothing more.

    2.  Bush totally ignored the letter, spitting on it and the questions that it had in it for Bush.

    3.  American ships have been seen many times in Iran's waters, appearing to try to antagonize Iran.

    4.  Iran has shown time and time again that they are interested in nuclear power because they are looking to alternatives to oil.  What is wrong with that?  They are YEARS away from nuclear weapons according to inspectors.

    5.  Iran has tried time and time again to reach out to the US.  Bush's advisor's have spit on those actions from Iran.  

    6.  Iran has made plans to start trading oil in Euro's which is hurting the US dollar.  But, isn't that their RIGHT to be able to do this?

    7.  Iran are the people whom aided the USA in getting the Taliban toppled.  Not many Americans are aware of this fact early in the Afghan war.

    8.  What about North Korea?  They now have Nukes and Bush is now buddy, buddy with appears as if he is saying that if a country has nukes, we will keep our hands out of their affairs.  What does this show?

    I can't get over how Bush mislead the country into war with Iraq, sending oil to the highest level that has ever been seen, because Bush has devalued the Dollar so much because of the cost of these wars.

    I also, don't view Iran as a threat.

  3. I don't think Ahmadinejad is going to power down his 3,000 nuclear centrifuges just because Obama asks nicely and says please.  Ahmadinejad is saber-rattling and will most likely provoke an air-strike by Israel.

  4. well to me it looks like they are trying to show, by firing there missiles, that they are not afraid and they act like they are powerful, But they have old missiles and not all of them fired like they showed it. I know there are some good people in Iran,but there Leader or Leaders are crazy!! You have to remember when Iran fought Irag years ago Irag beat them! So they are just playing head games,but I hope they don't go to far with it,Because they are not that bad,Beleive me!

  5. Not being glib, but in all seriousness and reality;  as an American, it's not my problem.

    They have no ability, nor have shown any interest in attacking the USA.  Therefore, whatever their military preparations are, are of no concern to any of us here.


    Our interventionist policies have done nothing but get us into debt and low regard in the eyes of the world.  It's time we stopped, and took care of our own first.  Let those in that region solve their own problems.

    Libertarians Bob Barr / Wayne root '08

  6. a place who is like a h**l on earth. Can this place be a paradise someday? i hope so., because children out there are being force  to hand a gun! it's very pitiful.  I know some of the citizen there wish to see their home town like a normal country.

  7. Hopefully, Iran just sent the message that idiots can understand. Hopefully when Russia said that anyone who attacks Iran should be ready for military action from them will listen. Hopefully everyone that reads into the fact that China has 10+ Billion dollar contracts with Iran for energy as well as Switzerland and Norway...will understand...that just because the US wants to control the oil...other countries disagree and are just willing to pay for it.

  8. Iran is not a threat to us. The corporate controlled main stream media is feeding us propaganda to induce acceptance of more endless war. These wars were planned long ago. People need to wake up to see that their government has been hijacked by elite globalists interests. Lean who owns the media and how they benefit from the Middle East wars. Research both their profit motive, and their power motive.

  9. I hope Israel blows Ahmadamnutjob off the face of the earth.

  10. Jusdging by some responses, Iranian History Knowledge is short:

    of particular interest, the discovery of oil in 1908 would later become a key factor in Iranian history and development...

    into which we can include US intervention - in -  Iran's post-revolution difficulties have included an 8-year war with Iraq, internal political struggles and unrest, and economic disorder.

    Remember, we did aide, arm & supply Iraq hoping Iraq would succeed in toppling Iran due to its internal strife - forgetting how nationalistic Iranians can get, something to remember, should it be agreed upon, to step into Iran...

    So, ultimetly, P E E P L E - P L E E S E, Do Not tell me that Iran, which does not even have an ounce of what North Korea has nor does it come within a wif of what Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Pakistan, India or Argentina - yes - Argentina has:

    freightens you. you so break my heart...

    good Pointers Fedup...

  11. It's the worst city EVER!

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