
What is your idea about this person ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. He appears to be Middle-Eastern or Hindu, probably.  Obviously, he is located someplace where they have stone pillars like the one he is standing in front of - Egypt, maybe?    

    Also, it is somewhere in a fairly windy climate, judging from the way his hair seems to be blowing around, and his jacket would suggest that it is almost chilly, but not significantly cold.

    Clearly, his attention is captured by something off in the distance to his right.  There appears to be a camera strap around his neck, as well as some sort of a white wire like to a set of headphones, but I don't see the headphones, themselves - maybe on the right ear that doesn't show in the photo?

    He could possibly be a worker at an archaeological dig - that would certainly explain the stone pillar - but considering the apparent climate, I would have second thoughts about its being in Egypt - he would probably be sweating and NOT wearing that jacket if it were the Egyptian desert.

    So instead of a desert, I'd guess a more mountainous area.  

    That might suggest something more like the Andes in Peru, (Machu Pichu perhaps, or Tiahuanaco?) but his clothing and haircut do not seem to fit into that culture.  (Besides, the verbage printed under the photo all seems to be more Middle-Eastern in character.)  

    Well, speculation is interesting, but not very productive.  I really have NO way to tell for sure who he might be or what he might be doing.

  2. just some normal guy listening to music with a giant p***s in the background.

  3. adventurous?

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