
What is your idea of a perfect government?

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I am asking for an educated answer that's longer than a sentence. What is your idea of the perfect govenment? Would it be a world government? Would it be a religious government? Maybe it's a government that has never been heard of, that you thought of while reading this question. I don't know.




  1. The ideal situation would be one with no government.  Individuals would be perfect, and it would not be necessary to tell anyone how to live.

  2. This question is impossible to answer because there is no such thing as a perfect government in an imperfect world. The whole idea lying behind why the human race needs government is because of human frailties. And then to recognize that the government itself will be made up of humans is to recognize that the government will have frailties too.

    As Madison said, if men were angels, there would be no need for government, and if the men in government were angels, there would be no need for Constitutions.

  3. A government that it's made from everyone to everyone. A government that serves everyone. A government that rewards not punishes. One that everyone has truly the same opportunities and the same benefits. Is that too much to ask?

  4. a government much like the one in the U.S.A. 100 years ago:

    no income tax

    no federal reserve system

    minimal or no regulations on restricting an individual to his use of private property

    no government involvement in religious issues

  5. the best government is the one that governs least.  sorry but my opinion only takes one sentence.  i believe extending it any more would give government way more power than it should have.

  6. Mmh... okay, that's kinda difficult... but also very interesting.

    First of all, I think the most important duty for a government is, to make sure, that absolutely everyone in the country can live in freedom and justice, and without poverty or desperation. However, this is a very complicate task. Because we talk of many, many different parts of life.

    For a long time, I believed that the best way of governing a nation is using the idea of commuism. Because I believe it to be nothing but fair, if anyone is being treated equally. Though, there is one major problem. If everyone has the same amount of money, it is quite hard, to keep your economy running. Because of this, I think a bit differently about this now. But still, I think there is a commitment between each government and its people. The people have to accept the rules the government gives them. On the other hand, they should have the right to participate at all important decisions and the right to live a good life.

    Here some political issues I would absolutely realize if I was the leader of a country:

    - This perfect government must ensure and protect absolute democracy.

    - The government should be a very big part of everyone's life. I am against liberalism and for intervention of the state. I believe, people MUST help their state (like voting regularly, being interested in politics, maybe even assume a political office, but also help the economy (work and NOT being lazy) and so on). People must help their government, because with this, they eventually help themselves. On the other hand, I also believe, this perfect government MUST help its people in every way it can...

    - Taxes should be high for that the state can support everyone who needs its support.

    - Health care would be obligatory and assure each and everyone a life in physical and psychical health and peace. Everyone who needs a doctor, should be able to get one. The bills get payed by the government (by taxes).

    - Enough security: I am for a strong presence of police and fire departments. I am against any form of military (because no modern society needs wars and weapons) but for a similar service, that supports people in situations like natural disasters (storms, floods and so on).

    - People who've got a rather hard life (like single mothers, old people, unemployed people etc.) should be supported in a very generous way by the state. Everyone who wants to have a job should have the opportunity to get one.

    - Middle class families should be supported with a lot of child benefits and the right to choose the schools and kindergardens their children will attend.

    - Absolutely NO death penatly. We are not living in the middle ages anymore.

    - Everyone should have the right to get the very best education. Therefore, colleges and universities, just as the high schools, must all be payed by the government.

    - The government should support public transport (trains, busses) because the state doesn't only get money by doing this, public transport is also a lot better for our environment than private one is.

    - Religious parties (in politics) are something very dangerous, because making politics has nothing to do with faith. A good politician thinks in a very rational way. However, of course this perfect government should support the freedom of religion for all its citizens (of course also freedom of race, speech and so on, all the basic rights)

    - The perfect government should support culture and science. Entering a library or a museeum should be for free (payed by the government).

    - The perfect government should also support its own economy. That means, everything that can be produced in our country, should not be imported from somewhere else. Because a functioning economy is something very, very important.

    Sooo, I think this is all that comes to my mind right the moment. Of course there would be much more. Sorry if I wrote too much, but this is really interesting.

    I think we will never be able to achieve this idea of an absolute perfect world. But we all can help it to become MORE perfect!!!

    I know you didn't ask this, but to give you an idea of what governments are (more me, personally) the most "perfect", I would choose all the Scandinavian ones, especially Sweden and Norway.

    Cheers :-)

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