
What is your idea of globalization?

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What is your idea of globalization?




  1. To extend  and increasing connectivity to other part of the world  for prosperity.

  2. is the modern form of colonialism.

    instead of conquering a country or people physically, the rich nations do it economically.


    The process of developing, manufacturing, and marketing software products that are intended for worldwide distribution. ...

    Worldwide economic integration of many formerly separate national economies into one global economy, mainly through free trade and free movement of capital as by multinational companies, but also by easy or uncontrolled migration.

    "Globalization refers in general to the worldwide integration of humanity and the compression of both the temporal and spatial dimensions of planetwide human interaction. ...

    Globalization and Environment, Globalization and Labor Issues and Impact Migration, Politics of Globalization

    The process of tailoring products or services to different local markets around the world.

    The Marxist critic of postmodernism Fredric Jameson argues that American capitalism, in the form of huge multi-national corporations backed by the Western media, is (re)colonizing the world. ...

    1. The increasing world-wide integration of markets for goods, services and capital that began to attract special attention in the late 1990s. 2. ...

    A process whereby an increased portion of economic or other activity is carried out across national borders

    Trend away from distinct national economic units and toward one huge global market.

    the movement toward markets or policies that transcend national borders

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