
What is your idea of perfection?

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This is for a school report, so please elaborate as much as possible. Basically, it's obvious that perfection is all about perspective, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I'm trying to find out what society as a whole views as the "perfect" person. Is it different in young and old, man and woman? Please elaborate, and thanks!




  1. My idea of perfection is not beaing aware of what perfection is. The mind is great at finding imprefections if geared up that way, the happiest people are those that don't dwelve on such things. They live happy carefree lives, now THAT's perfection.

  2. Well, I think nobody is perfect.

    Only God can be a "perfect person". Perfect because He is a "Model". A model to reach for many people.

    The term "perfection" has many concepts.

    It was used by ancient Greeks as regards "perfect numbers" and they also viewed perfection as a requisite for beauty and high art..."the perfect body".

    Aristotele had three different meaning of "perfection":

    1. which is complete — which contains all the requisite parts;

    2. which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better;

    3. which has attained its purpose

    Finally, Perfection has a personal meaning.

    Everyone can have a ideal of perfection but remember that nobody is really perfect because we all have qualities and defects!!

    Hope I helped u ...


  3. excellence rather then perfection is more ultimate. ^_^

  4. i think perfection is within the person asking the question if everything in your life is how u want it to be and ur happy that is perfection, but however long that happiness last's is a whole nother thing.

  5. A perfect person is a person that makes mistakes and learns by them. A person that admits defeat and wrong doing without excuses. A responsible parent and spouse that doesn't use alcohol or drugs as an excuse to get by and doesn't hit their spouse or children but provides for them and places themselves last. A perfect person is resourceful and ingenious rather than lazily depending upon others.

    Just my opinion.

  6. ".... true perfection has to be imperfect,.... I know that that sounds foolish but it's true....."   NOEL GALLAGHER

  7. Someone who makes me laugh, and doesn't make me cry. Someone caring, but bold. Someone loyal and faithful. Someone who is confident, without being egotistical. Someone who knows the facts before they voice an opinion about someone. Someone who is open-minded, without being gullible. Someone who will stand up for the little people, but can resort to it without violence. A leader who leads with everyone else in mind.

    The person I 'idolize' would be King Arthur, noble, strong and put his people before himself.

    And to let you know I'm 21.

  8. My idea of perfection is Jesus Christ. He knew the answers while He was alive on earth, and is the perfect example to follow.

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