
What is your ideal household pet?

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I like either a cat or small dog




  1. I have mine...

    Ferrets! 8 of them and I wouldn't change it for the world.

    But I love my cats and dog too

  2. a dog!!

  3. i have already got the ideal house hold pet my indoor rabbit lol

    but i have loads of pets :

    27 ducks

    14 chickens

    9 cats

    2 rabbits

    1 dog


  4. any thing reali ive had ginea pigs inside and out ive had rabbits inside and out

    iv have girbles

    ive got a dog

    ive got5 cats

    ive had a snake

    ive got lots of tropical fish

    ive had to rats (not horrid ones that live in sewers)

    ive had hamsters

    umm and i think thats it  

  5. cat! loveable but independent.

  6. well, i have a cat, a kitten (both previously ferrel) and a roborovski dwarf hamster (kept in a separate room.

    i would have liked a collie dog too.. but hey!!

    id get a cat if i were you cause small dogs are generally [a] c**p [b] ugly or [c] useless. get a cat or a bigger dog. collie or labrador.

    and king charles spaniels wouldnt be advised because they are prone to very painful illnesses. i saw it on a dog program and the dog was really writhing in pain. also - cats dont need much attention

  7. If I could have anything it'd be a tiny circus cat

    but idk, all I ever had was a hampster

  8. We have a dog names Keiko-we names him after free willy.His name in real life was kieko and he died...

    but if I could I would have a pet snake

  9. My cat is a Manx and the coolest cat I've ever had. He has so much personality that he almost seems human at times. He follows me around like a dog would and stays by my side most of the time while I'm in the house. He loves it when I'm working out in the yard, his favorite thing to do is get into the wheel burrow and have me push him around. I could go on and on about all the little things he does. I've always loved cats and this one ( boodinkie) is really special. I swear I think he's trying to talk and if he could, he would probably sound like a surfer dude.

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