
What is your ideas about the retarded children in your surrounding's, What you suggest to do for them?

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What is your ideas about the retarded children in your surrounding's, What you suggest to do for them?




  1. Retarded is a very general and degrading term.

    If you mean special children with disorders such as Down Syndrome please refer to them as people with different needs and not label them according to their inability.

    But if you mean retarded in the sense that more and more youth are beginning to put less value on educational attainment and intelligence then I would point the finger on technology. Technology has given us power to get anything we want when we want it and as a result the youth have begun to lose sight of working and studying their way to the top.

  2. I really don't like that word. I think people with special needs should be loved just as much as ''normal'' children. You should take your time to find out how you can help them. There are many online and offline resources. If your child ha special needs it's ok to take a breather just make sure they are with someone you trust. I wish people was nicer to people with special needs. My brother has down syndrome and I hate how some people treat him. I hate when they stare at him or when they act like he isn't around. All people should be treated with respect.

  3. I hate that word using it just shows how stupid the person who said it is what you do for them is treat them like they are human beings and never use that word again it is demeaning

  4. RETARDED what sort of a word is that! disgusting.

  5. I had a sister who was developmentally delayed and I have a daughter who's developmentally delayed, In both cases we made sure that they received an apporbate education and they were both able to live on their own for a while. My sister lived in her own apartment for about 5 years before her psychological problems got in the way. My daughter is still living on her own in an assisted living facility where she has her own apartment with services on the premises.  That's what we do with them, we love them, we teach them and we help them grow to their full potential.

  6. I suggest you find a more appropriate term. "Retarded" is not only politically incorrect, but crass, at best.

    My answer is we "do for them" as we do for anyone. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", comes to mind.

  7. What do you mean by "retarded"?  Mental retardation has several classifications. People confuse MR with autism. My child is autistic, but in no way, classical MR.  

    What to do for them? Provide them a place to socialize, if they are adults. If they are children, they have special schools for them. There are services they can receive from medicaid to provide them socialization with peers( other disabled children).  Love them and allow them to be themselves. They can't help the cards dealt to them.

    I would like to see a permanent decline in the use of the word "retarded"'s degrading, negative and incorrect. It shows what little the public knows of special needs children.

  8. The closest retarded child in my surrounding is you for asking such a question and being so cold.

  9. i say stay home..

    i mean its like we're just wasting our time!

  10. Now if anyone used that term and they have ..Thomas has severe autism ... i simply say he has special needs it just means he needs things done another way so he can understand, to use the word retarded is just terrible !

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