
What is your interpretation of the "...promote the general welfare" clause in the Constitution?

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What is your interpretation of the "...promote the general welfare" clause in the Constitution?




  1. Article 1

    Section 8

    Lists what is  meant by 'provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States'.

  2. Its subjective

  3. In the summarizing effect of the preamble, which you quote, I think the founding founders state their case that the structure they are going to provide will support the general well-being of Americans. In conjunction with "and secure the blessings of liberty," they mean their efforts are to provide the best legal guidelines so that people can live full, happy, free lives.

  4. The preamble grants the federal government absolutely no power.  The Supreme Court is engaging in deceit when they pretend otherwise.

    All federal powers are explicitly stated and all powers not explicitly granted to the Federal Government are denied to it (although I do accept that the 14th Amendment incorporates the Bill of Rights, which I interpret extremely broadly).

    My own interpretation is basically the opposite of the Supreme Court, which is predictable, as the Supreme Court believes in omnipotent government, while I wish we could either go back to the Articles of Confederation or just simply get rid of the government altogether.

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