
What is your kitty's favorite toy?

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My kitty likes the string from my pajama pants more than anything. Even more than the laser pointer!




  1. Our female cat likes twisty cable ties and loves to play fetch with them for hours.  Her second favourite toy is huge garden cockroaches, but I don't feel the same about having them dropped in my lap (or on the bed at 3am) so that we can play fetch.

    Our male cat loves to play with foam toe separators. He likes to throw them in the air and pounce on them. Unfortunately I discovered that he also likes to eat them whole, so they've now been banned.

  2. My cat Juice :) likes my feet coming out from my blanket (iks.. it hurts). He also likes any strings. He drops stuffs from the table when he gets hungry. Very smart and active kitty, my Juice. :)

  3. Rubber bouncy balls like the ones you use to play jacks.

    I usually toss them in the kitchen and he jumps all around trying to catch them in midair.

    Also, anything he's not supposed to play with. He likes loose change, plastic bags, small pieces of plastic wrappers, knocking over the trash can, knocking over the paper towels and unrolling them all over the floor, and taking the razor off the tub and carrying it around with the blade in his mouth. Needless to say, the razor is now kept somewhere else.

  4. i have two cats and they love their laser pen! usually they get bored of toys quite quickly but not this one they never get bored its great exercise too!

  5. Cardboard boxes.  She loves to jump inside of them and wait until we find her.  She also likes to rub her face against the flaps and scratch the cardboard.

  6. It use to be the laser pointer until the battery it's just a bunched up aluminum ball.

  7. My new kitten loves those little bird-balls with bells inside them.

    She also loves carrying around ponytail holders!!!

  8. We took a rubber glove, stuffed it with a plastic bag, left some of the bag hanging out for noise, tied fishing string to it and wa la, our cat's favorite toy. we throw it and she chases it, we hide it and pull it out...she goes crazy

  9. My cats like string and paper balls. It's fun watching them chase after it. They're idiots, but they're cute.

  10. my feet

  11. I took a stuff mouse fastened a string to it and put it on a stick my kitties love playing with it.

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