
What is your least-favorite NHL team?

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Who do you hate the most? (And why?)




  1. Rangers because most of there fans don't understand the game and just have that Swing-bag NYC attitude. Plus when you go to a game with male Capri pants on and J-lo glasses with your Jersey...your a chump.Messier is a punk, they end up with other teams Falling stars, have the largest pile of talent that can't perform. Most Ranger fans act like Sean Avery in real life. Not to mention living at the Jersey shore they are friggin everywhere down here when it's warm out.

    F- the Rangers.

    Yes I understand how bad you beat the Devils this year...But your an original 6 team we came about in the 80's and we have more cups....then you...still. The only major things hanging up in the Garden are burn outs Jerseys...Add Jagr up there too.

  2. Nashville Predators

    They have rude fans, idiot commentators and cheerleaders with pompoms.

  3. new york rangers, i went to a sharx game for my birthday and they beat us pretty badly.

    and since i'm a sharx fan it's also the ducks, but i wouldn't be suprised if i'd also be hating on dallas next year.

    there's also edmonton, because they just know how to p**s us off sometimes like ending our win streak in the season and beating us in overtime in the season opener.

  4. My least favorites are probably Colorado/Anahiem...need i explain?

  5. Rangers They are Cocky and Arrogant and Mean too.

  6. Toronto Maple Leafs. Suck Balls need a whole new team and Sundin is way out of touch. restart the team get new YOUNGER players.

  7. Red wings

    everyone in my area are Wing fans. I have chosen the rival and underdog to the Wings.

    Blackhawk fan for 20 years now

  8. detriot, no reason, just a rivlary

  9. It was the Avalanche.  But they are so sorry now the rivalry with the Red Wings is all but dried up and gone.  Next team in line......Chicago Blackhawks.

  10. The Flyers.......

  11. Toronto. I absolutely detest them, especially that amateur golfer of theirs, Darcy Tucker.

    I've always hated them, ever since I was a kid. Sometimes I care more about them losing than I do about my team winning.

    I'm not sure of the root of my hatred but I imagine if I thought long and hard about it I could tell you why.

  12. Philly Flyers .. cuz they upset the penguins (3-0) record!!!


    Love sid the kid

  13. The Ottawa Senaturds

    The Toronto Make Me Laughs

    The Philadelphia Fryers

    Their fans are ignorant & for many other unexplainable reasons.

  14. I hate the Friggin Ducks!

    Sharks we'll get em next year!

  15. Ottawa, their arrogant, I can't handle Neilor Emery, I do't like people getting punched in the face for no reason because they lose a game.

    Oh, and they're feckin dirty players, and sore losers. Nuff?

  16. the ottawa senators.

    because they steal leafs fans away by being good.

    also because the city of ottawa is boring as heck.

  17. islanders- i just can't stand them mostly because i am  a ranger fan but i think even if i was a fan of another team i would hate them. i hate their colors and logo, i hate many players on the team, i hate their S****y ice-girls and i hate the coliseum

    i also can't stand pittsburg

    edit- messier was not a punk

  18. probably the devils, brodeur is a baby

    scott stevens was a cheap shot ******

    new jersey is a garbage state

    they are really boring to watch

  19. Hockeytown-they've like the Yankees or Lakers. That means easy to hate. I can't discredit their game because it is precision.  But the mere mention of the Red Wings makes my blood boil.

    Also hate the Ducks. Dirty team, dirty players, division rival with Dallas.  Any team with caveman Bertuzzi and Pronger the impregnator of local news babes deserves a little hate.  They have the only player that has the same last name as me (Perry) so it sucks that he is on one of the 2 most hated for this fan.

  20. Dallas-i hate all sports teams form Texas.No reason why-i just dont.Too many frontrunners i guess

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