
What is your least favorite amusement park ride?

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I am going to an amusement park near where I live and they have this ride there that drops you from 350 feet in the air. I hate it but I ride it anyway to avoid the ridicule from friends =) I will ride any roller coaster you throw in front of me but dropping / spinning rides you can count me out.




  1. Have you ever ridden the ride Caurosel of Time (Disney World)? It's not fast, scary, or anything.  It was straight up boring.  Like a 45 minute waste of time.  I don't even think they have it anymore it was that bad.  I had nightmares about it for the next 3 months, singing "it's a great, big, beautiful tommorow; shining at the end of every day" (and that was about 8 years ago I went).

  2. Big Ben at the Florida State Fair it launches150 ft. up and sits up there for 5 min then plummets you back down, i dislike it but i go on it anyway...

  3. Colossus at Six Flags Magic Mountain.  The whole time I was plugging my ears because it was so loud and rough.

  4. barney

  5. nothing. unless it is five feet tall and goes in a circle. I've ridden a 350 ft drop tower, and I loved it. also, im 12 years old

  6. It's a Small World!!!!

    I have trouble with rides that spin - spiders, tea-cups, etc - but I ride them anyway!


  7. I have not ridden many coaster only at BGE, disney world and Kings Dominion. My least favorite is Huler at Kings Dominion, it hurts!

  8. rides that your head bangs around like a bobble head followed by spinning rides, but they can be fun in moderation.

    so in conclusion the tea cups.

    so much spinning!

  9. Idk what it is called, but when I was a kid I went on this ride where you would stand up with your back against this wall. Then the ride would start spinning and it would get going so fast that the force would press you up against the wall. It was even hard to move your arms and legs because they were just being pushed up against the wall so hard. Once the ride get spinning fast enough, the floor opens up underneath you and you are standing on nothing. You are safe as long as the ride keeps spinning cuz you are pinned up against the wall. If the ride stopped spinning though, you would be screwed cuz you would just fall right through. No harness either, just a chain that goes loosely across your waist. Roller coasters, no problem, but that thing scared the S*** out of me.

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